MySQL error log /opt/mysql/data/mysql-error.log{ monthly rotate12olddir /opt/mysql/log_archive/errormissingok dateext copytruncate notifempty compress } 常用命令 ## 安装yum install -y logrotate crontabs## 默认配置目录ls/etc/logrotate.d/## 手动触发日志切换logrotate -vf /etc/logrotate.d/mysql...
1、XID_EVENT 当事务提交时,不论是statement还是row格式的binlog都会添加一个XID_EVENT作为事务的结束。该事件记录了该事务的ID。在mysql进行崩溃恢复时根据binlog中提交的情况来决定是否提交存储引擎中prepared状态的事务。 2、ROTATE_EVENT 当binlog文件大小达到max_binlog_size参数设置的值或执行flush logs命令时,bi...
MySQL由非GTID模式到开启GTID,之前的binlog(一百多个)都没有记录GTID。 开启GTID后,受参数expire_logs_days=5影响,每次binlog rotate时会触发binlog的自动删除,当binlog被删除时: 由于参数binlog_gtid_simple_recovery=false,MySQL会从头至尾扫描binlog直到找到第一个有Previous_gtids_log_event的binlog为止。最终...
rotatelog[{--hosts=|-h}host_list][site_name]host_list:host[,host[,...]] Rotatemcmdlogs for the connected MySQL Cluster Manager agent, for agents running on certain hosts, or for agents on all hosts in a management site. For example, to rotate logs for the agent to which the client...
rotate log [{--hosts=|-h }host_list] [site_name] host_list: host[,host[,...]] Rotate mcmd logs for the connected MySQL Cluster Manager agent, for agents running on certain hosts, or for agents on all hosts in a management site. ...
Description:mysqlbinlogrotate does not close the connection gracefully, so we get warnings in the server error log: Version: '5.7.19-log' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL) ... [Note] Aborted connection 4 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error rea...
3-way deadlock on semisync replication and binlog rotate Submitted:2 Feb 2013 1:09Modified:28 May 2013 6:58 Reporter:Yoshinori Matsunobu(OCA)Email Updates: Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: ReplicationSeverity:S3 (Non-critical)...
Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable. Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full. 方法3:如何使用 MySQLAdmin 命令在 Linux 上检查 MySQL/MariaDB 数据库的正常运行时间 ...
这里就很明显其他提交事务(这里指的是 Thread 6)堵塞在了MYSQL_BIN_LOG::change_stage函数上,其作用正是获取某个阶段的Mutex。而本线程(这里指的是 Thread 7)则是在ReplSemiSyncMaster::commitTrx上堵塞在某个Mutex上。 五、after_commit和after_sync的代码位置和区别 ...
2、ROTATE_EVENT 当binlog文件大小达到max_binlog_size参数设置的值或执行flush logs命令时,binlog发生切换,这时会在当前使用的binlog文件末尾添加一个ROTATE_EVENT事件,将下一个binlog文件的名称和位置记录到该事件中。 3、STOP_EVENT 当MySQL服务停止时,会在当前binlog文件尾添加一个STOP_EVENT事件表示数据库的停...