这学期学习数据库,电脑上分别装有phpStudy(自带的MySQL版本为5.5)和MySQL8.0.11,于是想用phpStudy中的SQL Front连接到8.0的数据库。手动开启8.0的MySQL服务,然后用MySQL Front进行登陆之后就出现了问题- - 首先会报一个SQL执行错误#1055。 接着是报 Internal Program Bug:""is not a valid date and time。这个...
At first I hesitated joining this site but now i'm glad I did. I am happy to see you really do have thousands of downloads. I just downloaded the software I needed. The service is great. Thank you and Ciao! Aria, Italy I'm not sure why some people think this is a scam site be...