相比较设置一个SSL加密的连接来说,配置SSH隧道需要很少的操作,因为它仅仅需要SSH服务,并且在大多数的linux主机上已经部署了。 $ sshuser@remote_vps-L3306: 运行workbench SSH-tunnel已建立,现在启动workbench,并创建mysql连接。 1[root@CentOS ~]# mysql-workbench 当然前提是已安装图形化桌面环境...
Backgpround: We have a few Mysql DB Server with Ubuntu. We are usign RSA and ED25519 Keys to access it via ssh without any problems. But we can't open an SSH Tunnel to the mysql service via MysqlWorkbench. It works when we create a SSH Key via Putty, export it to an "open SSH...
they are stored in a file created by MySQL Workbench under the user's folder, such asC:\Users\username\.ssh\known_hosts.The path to the SSH known hosts file is configurable (seeSection 3.2.6, “SSH Preferences”).
1 Using mysql via SSH (php) 0 Can I change MySQL Workbench's default "mysql" execution command? Related 1 mysql over ssh over non-standard port 18 SSH tunnel: local => gateway => MySQL server 13 Connect to MySQL via ssh tunnel to localhost 2 Tunnel connection to Mysql without SS...
使用在线说明我可以使用 MySQL Workbench 通过 SSH 成功连接到服务器,并在模式窗口中看到三个数据库。 我可以成功地将表添加到我选择的数据库中,但是当我尝试添加数据时,我得到Error Code: 1045. Access denied for user 'alter'@'%' (using password: YES). ...
Two SSH tunnels were opened for a single connection to an SSH server. The user was also prompted for a password when a new connection was established, even when the existing tunnel was reused. (Bug #49412) SSH Tunnels opened by MySQL Workbench were never closed. SSH Tunnels created when ...
Category:MySQL WorkbenchSeverity:S2 (Serious) Version:5.2.34+OS:Windows (Win7 x64) Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any Tags:regression,ssh,workbench [28 Jan 2012 18:04] Cris Firman Description:Connecting to a remote server via SSH tunnel fails. Output reports the following (domain, user folder ...
Category:MySQL WorkbenchSeverity:S2 (Serious) Version:5.2.34OS:MacOS (OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7) Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any Tags:Connection,limit,ssh,tunnel [29 Jul 2011 16:55] Mike Reid Description:Since the last few versions of Workbench (including the latest), all of my stored connect...
Standard TCP/IP over SSH Connection The connection type allows MySQL Workbench to connection to MySQL Server using TCP/IP over an SSH tunnel. Parameters In addition to a number of parameters that are in common with Standard TCP/IP connections, this connection method features a number of ...
I am using windows 7 with Python 3.4 (with Pycharm) and try to acces a remote mySQL-database through SSH with a private key, just like it is working with MySQL-Workbench in the following picture :http://goo.gl/TgwdYI I use SSHTunnel (https://goo.gl/pGfD30) to setup the SSH-Tunn...