<value type="string"key="name">query.execute</value> <value type="string"key="command">builtin:query.execute</value> <value type="string"key="itemType">action</value> <!-- <value type="string"key="shortcut">Modifier+Shift+Return</value> --> <value type="string"key="shortcut">F5...
MySQLWorkbench常用快捷键及修改方法 MySQLWorkbench常⽤快捷键及修改⽅法 常⽤快捷键: 1. 执⾏整篇sql脚本:Ctrl + Shift + Enter 2. 执⾏当前⾏:Ctrl + Enter 3. 注释/取消注释: Ctrl + / 4. 格式化sql语句(美化sql语句):Ctrl + B 5. (貌似和输⼊法有冲突)...
Reporter:William WynnEmail Updates: Status:No FeedbackImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL EditorSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:5.2.47OS:Linux (Linux Mint 14) Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any Tags:execute,keyboard shortcut,linux ...
(4)点击【Install】,等待安装完成。 (5)MySQL Workbench工具包含以下4个基本功能区域。 主菜单:实现MySQL的主要功能操作。 Shortcut(快捷方式):完整可视化数据库设计和建模。 MySQL Connections:链接信息。 Models:连接方式、MySQL Workbench工具版本信息。 (7)创建链接。单击主菜单 Database -> Manage Connection,弹出...
Error Checking MySQLDump Version MySQLWorkbench, On windows you should start Mysql Workbench with Adminrights. In order to do so make a rightclick on the shortcut and select "Execute as admin". This fix the problem for me. @Mike - Thanks for the hint with the help menu thats help me to...
官方下载地址:http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/ ,安装很简单,基本就是一路Next。 注意:一定要安装和MySql对应的版本,要不然安装后连接不上服务器,提示外部组件异常; 最重要的就是 Mysql workbeach的汉化菜单了 这是源码(main_menu.xml) <value="app.MenuItem"><!--File Menu--><valuetype="object...
Select Run SQL Script from the File menu to execute this wizard. Figure 1.14 Run SQL ScriptModel Script Attachments Previously, MySQL Workbench modeling supported attaching SQL script files to models, usually for documentation and organization purposes. You can now include attached SQL files to the...
First we need to know how to use it, so we’ve provided you two options to execute the query with vertical output. One of them is the menu bar where you can find item namedExecute vertically,you’ll also find hint about the shortcut for that option it’sCTRL+ALT+RETURN. ...
mysql workbench中文语言包怎么应用到所有界面 mysql workbench怎么调中文,打不开github小伙伴,就在目录下新建文本文档,然后将下列代码复制进去,重命名就可以main_menu.xml代码如下:<?xmlversion="1.0"?><data><valuetype="list"content-type="object"c
MySQL Workbench MySQL Workbench Abstract This manual documents the MySQL Workbench SE version 5.2 and the MySQL Workbench OSS version 5.2. If you have not yet installed MySQL Workbench OSS please download your free copy from the download site. MySQL Workbench OSS is available for Windows, Mac OS...