MySQL中的ROLLBACK命令用于撤销当前事务中的所有更改。当一个事务执行过程中遇到错误或者需要取消事务时,可以使用ROLLBACK来回滚到事务开始之前的状态。 相关优势 数据一致性:通过回滚操作,可以确保数据库的数据一致性,避免因错误操作导致的数据损坏。 事务隔离:在多用户并发环境下,回滚操作有助于维护事务的隔离性,防止数...
I would expect that the first query: UPDATE [whatever] would never have been committed because that connection closed without a rollback. However, it is. In the docs: appears to be a lot of confusion about this. The comment by Tod Harte...
Bug #20697slave fails to rollback replicated transaction hang over innodb_lock_wait_timeou Submitted:26 Jun 2006 13:27Modified:21 Nov 2006 19:56 Reporter:Sebastian NohnEmail Updates: Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:MySQL Server: ReplicationSeverity:S1 (Critical) ...
This is useful, for example, for any database administrator who configures the firewall, to avoid the possibility of a misconfiguration causing even the administrator to be locked out and unable to execute statements. See MySQL Enterprise Firewall. (WL #14517)...
错误号:1196; 符号: ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK; SQLSTATE:HY000 消息:某些非事务性更改表无法回滚 错误号:1197; 符号: ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL; SQLSTATE: HY000 消息:多语句事务需要超过“ max_binlog_cache_size”个字节的存储空间;增加此mysqld变量,然后重试 ...
Description:If OutOfMemoryException is thrown when reading the results from the server, the driver throws an SQLException. If the client code then tries to do rollback, the driver waits for the server response indefinitely (or time specified by socketTimeout, if set): "main" prio=6 tid=0x...
使用Flink SQL 读取Mysql时,刚开始任务运行正常,过段时间就挂了,一直报下面这个错,请问在SQL的配置中有参数解决么? 2020-12-28 16:33:30.017 [debezium-engine] ERROR io.debezium.connector.mysql.SnapshotReader - Unable to unregister the MBean 'debezium.mysql:t
mysql死锁com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exception.MYSQLTransactionRollbackException Deadlock found when trying to get lock;try restarting transaction 1.生产环境出现以下报错 该错误发生在update操作中,该表并未建立索引,也就是只有InnoDB默认的主键索引,发生错误的程序是for循环中update。
Unable to acquire JDBC Connection [n/a] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms. at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createTimeoutException( ~[HikariCP-2.7.9.jar!/:?] ...
I have been unable to find a way to determine the state of a given transaction (whether or not it failed). In SQL Server, there is a global variable (@@ERROR) which you can test and determine whether or not a rollback is necessary. Below is an example of how I need to implement ...