DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE TruncateMultipleTables() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE tableName VARCHAR(255); DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'your_database_name' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER ...
ALTERTABLEt1TRUNCATEPARTITIONp0; The statement just shown has the same effect as the followingDELETEstatement: DELETEFROMt1WHEREyear_col<1991; When truncating multiple partitions, the partitions do not have to be contiguous: This can greatly simplify delete operations on partitioned tables that would ...
Date: September 23, 2014 05:45PM I have a dozen of tables that get emptied with TRUNCATE table every 10-20 seconds or so with my php script running in shell from XAMPP local machine. For unknown reason, every couple hours a random table disappears and as a result my script stops. Ther...
...truncate table删除数据后,再次插入从1开始 练习 在主键列输入的数值,允许为空吗? 不可以 一个表可以有多个主键吗?...不可以 在一个学校数据库中,如果一个学校内允许重名的学员,但是一个班级内不允许学员重名,可以组合班级和姓名两个字段一起来作为主键吗? 对 标识列(自动增长列)允许为字符数据类型吗?.....
Unlike DELETE, TRUNCATE TABLE cannot be used within a transaction or if you have a lock on the table. See Section 15.1.37, “TRUNCATE TABLE Statement” and Section 15.3.6, “LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES Statements”. The speed of delete operations may also be affected by factors ...
The SQL statement that you want to execute before the synchronization task is run. You can execute only one SQL statement on the codeless UI and multiple SQL statements in the code editor. For example, you can execute the TRUNCATE TABLE tablename statement to delete outdated data before the ...
show tables; 2|3删除表drop table 表名; 2|4清空表delete from 表名; truncate 表名; #会将auto_increment的起始数据重置为1。__EOF__ 本文作者:adrian 本文链接:关于博主:评论和私信会在第一时间回复。或者直接私信我。版权声明:本博客所有文章除特别...
--truncate-table TABLE Truncate TABLE in the remote database. Useful for cache tables that you are not transferring. --truncate-pattern PATTERN Truncate tables matching PATTERN in the remote database. See documentation for --truncate-table. -V, --version Print version information ...
delete from tb1; 强调:上面的这条命令确实可以将表里的所有记录都删掉,但不会将id重置为0, 所以收该条命令根本不是用来清空表的,delete是用来删除表中某一些符合条件的记录 delete from tb1 where id > 10; 如果要清空表,使用truncate tb1; 作用:将整张表重置,id重新从1开始记录...
this: How is it possible that in the multiple table UPDATE we can SET the fields coming from all of the tables, whereas an UPDATE on an updateble VIEW that's based on the same join can only update the fields coming from one of the tables?