mycat 分库使用了该字段, 并且执行了类似String.valueOf(area).subString(x)的操作, 这就导致当分库字段长度小于 x 时就会爆出 String index out of range: x, 而且由于这个错误不是 MySQL 的原因, 这就导致 直接用 SQL 工具执行是不会复现的
com.mysql.cj.ParseInfo.extractValuesClause String index out of range: 153 在使用MySQL数据库过程中,有时会遇到错误信息"com.mysql.cj.ParseInfo.extractValuesClause String index out of range: 153"。这个错误通常是由于在执行SQL语句时,传递的参数长度不符合预期所导致的。本文将向您介绍这个错误的原因、如何...
String index out of range: -1 Madhukar Beema July 08, 2014 08:57AM Re: String index out of range: -1 Rick James July 09, 2014 11:04PM Re: String index out of range: -1 Peter Brawley July 09, 2014 11:33PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. ...
遇到问题2:主要问题,报错:Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0) mysql报错 以下为全部源代码 publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{// 加载驱动Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");// 连接数据库String url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqldb";String username="...
MySQL报错解决–Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0) 今天写数据库批量删除的时候,碰到了这个错误,我靠,改了我1个半小时。(发出来长个记性) 解决方案:查看?周围的单引号或者双引号。 publicintresumedeletemore(Connection con, List<String> list)throwsException {introw=0...
MySQL报错解决–Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0) 今天写数据库批量删除的时候,碰到了这个错误,我靠,改了我1个半小时。(发出来长个记性) 解决方案:查看?周围的单引号或者双引号。 public int resumedeletemore(Connection con, List<String> list) throws Exception { ...
Description:When using a parameterized PreparedStatement with a SQL query string with a LIKE clause an error is throw stating the parameter index is out of range. For example, issuing "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM System_Configuration WHERE Config_Name LIKE '%' ESCAPE '\' AND System_Configuration.Syste...
An entry has been added to the 5.1.8 changelog: Connector/J generated an unhandled StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 at java.lang.String.substring( at com.mysql.jdbc.EscapeProcessor.processTimeToken(EscapePro...
Parameter index outofrange(1> numberofparameters,which is0) 结果分析:查到结果数据为 1,真实值应为 0,参数越界,产生错误。 我们明确如下语句是没有任何问题的: 代码语言:javascript 复制 String sql=select*from tab_route where rname like'%张%'; ...
| MySqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(SQL, connectionString); where a System.IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown. I don't get it. This is so simple - and still I must have missed something _very_ obvious. I'll probably be rather embarassed when 10 of you point it out :...