5.编辑启动脚本:修改XAMPP启动MySQL服务的批处理文件(C:\ProgramFiles\xampp\mysql_start.bat),在调用mysqld的命令行末尾添加--innodb_force_recovery=6。 mysql\bin\mysqld --defaults-file=mysql\bin\my.ini --standalone --console --innodb_force_recovery=6类似这种写法 6.恢复数据库:完成上述步骤后,你的...
黄聪:xampp启动后mysql报Error 2013-08-04 13:48:22 760 [ERROR] InnoDB: Attempted to open a previously opened tablespace. Previous tablespace isaactest/wp_usermeta uses space ID: 2 at filepath: .\isaactest\wp_usermeta.ibd. Cannot open tablespace MySQL/innodb_index_stats which uses space ID:...
1,确认basedir的权限问题 2,重新恢复数据库 3,配置文件中 加上 innodb_force_recovery = 4 一般情况下是解决方法3
解决办法 1,通过cmd打开regedit注册表 2,找[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MySQL]的ImagePath 3,修改 ImagePath 的地址 将地址换成xmapp中数据库的地址 例如:D:/xampp/mysql/ 4,重启即可
15:32:31 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app... 15:32:32 [mysql] Status change detected: running 15:32:35 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped 15:32:35 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. 15:32:35 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 15...
最近在学习服务器方面的知识,找到了这款功能强大的建站集成软件包——xampp。但是在开数据库服务器的时候,出现了这种情况。一直在Attemptng to start MySQL service... 后面才发现是我电脑上安装了mysql的软件, 嘻嘻~~~就是这个了,如果你电脑已经安装了mysql的软件,要使用xampp的话,那么就要修改一下注册表。 我...
16:17:43 [mysql] Port 3306 in use by ""C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqld.exe" --defaults-file="C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\my.ini" MySQL57"! 16:17:43 [mysql] MySQL WILL NOT start without the configured ports free! 16:17:43 [mysql] You need to ...
XAMPP: Couldn’t start MySQL Spark大数据 If you use XAMPP, can happen to you the problem of MySQL does not start. This usually happens when we copy the XAMPP folder between computers or even when repomos a copy of the folder entirely....
51CTO博客已为您找到关于xampp mysql无法启动的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及xampp mysql无法启动问答内容。更多xampp mysql无法启动相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
i have installed xampp. i am bale to start apache server but when i am starting mysql it's throughing below errors. Here is the error log. can anyone help me in this ?? 9:26:45 PM [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. ...