""")tables=[]sizes=[]# 获取查询结果fortable,sizeincursor:tables.append(table)sizes.append(size)# 生成饼状图plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))plt.pie(sizes,labels=tables,autopct='%1.1f%%')plt.title('MySQL Table Sizes')plt.show()cursor.close()conn.close() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
use information_schema SHOW COLUMNS FROM TABLES; 1. 查看 MySQL「所有库」的容量大小 SELECT table_schema as '数据库', sum(table_rows) as '记录数', sum(truncate(data_length/1024/1024, 2)) as '数据容量(MB)', sum(truncate(index_length/1024/1024, 2)) as '索引容量(MB)', sum(truncate(...
SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM your_database_name; 同样,将your_database_name替换为你要查询的数据库名称。 方法三:使用存储过程 如果你需要定期查看所有表的数据量,可以创建一个存储过程来自动化这个过程。 代码语言:txt 复制 DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE GetTableSizes() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DEC...
CREATETABLEsizes ( size ENUM('small', CONCAT('med','ium'),'large') ); You also cannot employ a user variable as an enumeration value. This pair of statements do not work: SET@mysize='medium';CREATETABLEsizes ( size ENUM('small',@mysize,'large') ...
如果关闭了innodb_stats_auto_recalc,需要通过analyze table来保证统计信息的准确性。不管有没有开启全局变量innodb_stats_auto_recalc。即使innodb_stats_auto_recalc=OFF时,当新索引被增加到表中,所有索引的统计信息会被重新计算并且更新到innodb_index_stats表上。
# Tmp_tables: 0 Tmp_disk_tables: 0 Tmp_table_sizes: 0 # InnoDB_trx_id: 0 # Full_scan: No Full_join: No Tmp_table: No Tmp_table_on_disk: No # Filesort: No Filesort_on_disk: No Merge_passes: 0 # InnoDB_IO_r_ops: 27606 InnoDB_IO_r_bytes: 452296704 InnoDB_IO_r_wait: 0....
To check the sizes of all of the tables in a specific database, at the mysql> prompt, type the following command. Replace database_name with the name of the database that you want to check: CopySELECT table_name AS "Table", ROUND(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2...
You can check the maximum data and index sizes by using this statement: SHOWTABLESTATUSFROMdb_nameLIKE'tbl_name'; You also can usemyisamchk -dv /path/to/table-index-file. SeeSHOW Statements, ormyisamchk — MyISAM Table-Maintenance Utility. ...
数据库实例的物理文件的大小是根据系统表计算的表大小的两倍以上,原因是统计数据不准确,具体是索引数据页的数量不准确。 引言 MySQL 的统计信息中包括多个统计项,由于基于采样计算,因此存在误差,最常见的是统计项【表的行数】不准确,可能导致执行计划选择错误。