给 role_dba 赋权(模拟 role 赋权)mysql> grant select on *.* to role_dba;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)mysql> show grants for role_dba;+---+| Grants for role_dba@% |+---+| GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'role_dba'@'%' |+---+1 row in set (0.00 sec)...
SHOW GRANTS requires the SELECT privilege for the mysql system schema, except to display privileges and roles for the current user. To name the account or role for SHOW GRANTS, use the same format as for the GRANT statement (for example, 'jeffrey'@'localhost'): ...
这个结果集显示了两个角色的信息,包括角色名和所属用户。其中,角色"role1"属于"admin@localhost"账号。 6. 查看角色权限 要查看角色的权限信息,可以使用以下命令: SHOWGRANTSFORROLE'role1'@'localhost'; 1. 这个命令将显示特定角色的权限列表。 以下是一个示例输出: +---+ | Grants for role1@localhost | ...
通过SHOW GRANTS语句来查看用户或角色的权限,语法如下: SHOW GRANTS FOR '用户名'@'主机名'; 删除角色或用户 使用DROP语句来删除角色或用户,语法如下: DROP ROLE '角色名'@'主机名';DROP USER '用户名'@'主机名'; 以上是MySQL权限管理的基本操作,通过这些操作,你可以更细致地控制用户对进销存数据库的访问权限...
create role sys_role;(系统管理员) create role safe_role;(安全管理员) create role audit_role;(审计管理员) 2、分别对三个系统管理员做授权工作 (1)系统管理员sys_role grant create,drop,alter on *.* to sys_role; show grants for sys_role; ...
给role_dba 赋权(模拟 role 赋权) 代码语言:javascript 复制 mysql> grant select on *.* to role_dba; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> show grants for role_dba; +---+ | Grants for role_dba@% | +---+ | GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'role_dba'@'%' | +---+ 1 row in...
SHOW GRANTS [FOR user_or_role [USING role [, role] ...]] user_or_role: { user (see Section 8.2.4,“Specifying Account Names”) | role (see Section 8.2.5,“Specifying Role Names”. } This statement displays the privileges and roles that are assigned to a MySQL user account or role...
给role_dba 赋权(模拟 role 赋权) 复制 mysql>grantselecton*.*torole_dba;Query OK, 0rowsaffected (0.01 sec)mysql> show grantsforrole_dba;+---+| Grantsforrole_dba@% |+---+|GRANTSELECTON*.*TO'role_dba'@'%'|+---+1 rowinset(0.00 sec)mysql> show grantsforjack;+---...
# 创建登录名[stu],并为登录名指定用户[student_user] create user student_user for login stu; # 创建角色[student_role]并为角色授权 create role student_role; grant select, update, insert on db_book to student_role; # 将角色授予用户:student_role授予student_user exec sp_addrolemember @rolename...
mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR u1; | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `u1`@`%` | | GRANT SELECT (`id`, `c1`), UPDATE (`c1`) ON `test`.`t1` TO `u1`@`%` | 4. 如何复制/复用账户密码 采用mysql_native_password方式创建用户时,可以直接从其他账户的密码串复制过来作为新账户的密码,例如: ...