createuserblog@''identifiedby'123';grantinsert,selectonoldboy.*toblog@''; 案例3:创建用户,具备mysql库里user表的增和查权限,登录网段为10.0.0.0/24,密码是123。 createuserzhangsan@''identifiedby'123';grantinsert,selectonmysql.usertozhangsan@''; 2.查...
If you have theSET_USER_IDprivilege (or the deprecatedSUPERprivilege), you can specify any account as theDEFINERattribute. If the account does not exist, a warning is generated. Additionally, to set a stored objectDEFINERattribute to an account that has theSYSTEM_USERprivilege, you must have ...
mysql>select*frommysql.userawherea.user='user1'\G***1. row***Host:%User: user1 Select_priv: N Insert_priv: N Update_priv: Y//该权限是上一步授予的,不用管Delete_priv: N mysql>select*frommysql.db awherea.user='user1'\G***1. row***Host:%Db: lijiamandbUser: user1 Select_p...
To perform the operation anyway, you must have the SET_USER_ID privilege; in this case, the statement succeeds with a warning rather than failing with an error. Without SET_USER_ID, to perform the user-creation operation, drop the orphan objects, create the account and grant its privileges...
User: user1 Select_priv: N Insert_priv: N Update_priv: Y Delete_priv: N Create_priv: N mysql> select * from mysql.db a where a.user = 'user1'; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from mysql.tables_priv a where a.user = 'user1'; ...
1 Mysql中的事务默认是自动提交的(即关闭事务),如果想开启事务(不自动提交),需要如下代码SET autocommit=0注意: 这句话只在当前客户端有效,关闭这个客户端,再打开一个新的,事务还是默认自动提交的.创建用户 1 注:我的运行环境是widnows xp professional + MySQL5.0 2 1.创建用户: 命令:CREATE USER '...
2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 2. MySQL 权限详解 All/All Privileges权限代表全局或者全数据库对象级别的所有权限 Alter权限代表允许修改表结构的权限,但必须要求有create和insert权限配合。如果是rename表名,则要求有alter和drop原表, create和insert新表的权限 ...
第一种:update mysql.user set password=password('新密码') where User="test" and Host="localhost"; 第二种:mysqladmin -u -username -p password "new_password" 忘记密码:如果root用户密码丢失了,会给用户造成很大的麻烦。但是,可以通过某种特殊方法登录到root用户下,然后修改密码。
user_name user_name@%复制代码 % 是通配符,表示任何字符串;另外,_ 表示任意单个字符。 如果用户名或主机名中包含特殊字符,例如空格或者 - ,需要使用引号分别引用这两部分内容: 代码语言:javascript 复制 'user-name'@'host-name'复制代码 除了单引号之外,也可以使用反引号(`)或者双引号(")。
1 row in set (0.00 sec) 2.4.2.测试登录 重新打开另一个客户端,登录以test账号登录mysql [root@lamp ~]#mysql -utest -p#登录mysql数据库以test用户,输入用户密码 mysql>SHOW DATABASES;#登录成功,查看该账号下的数据库 +---+ | Database | +---+ |...