打开MySQL的配置文件,找到[mysqld]部分,然后设置或修改secure_file_priv的值。例如,如果你想将读写权限限制在/var/lib/mysql-files/目录下,可以这样设置: ini [mysqld] secure_file_priv = /var/lib/mysql-files/ 确保指定的目录存在,并且对MySQL用户具有写权限。 4. 重启MySQL服务以使更改生效 在修改了配置...
步骤2: 查看当前的secure_file_priv设置 在MySQL 客户端中,你可以使用以下命令查看当前的secure_file_priv值: SHOWVARIABLESLIKE'secure_file_priv'; 1. 此命令将显示当前的安全文件位置设置。 步骤3: 修改secure_file_priv的值 要修改secure_file_priv,你需要找到 MySQL 的配置文件my.cnf或my.ini,然后在[mysql...
1、设置MySQL存放数据的安全目录: windows系统中在my.ini配置secure_file_priv参数 关于secure_file_priv参数说明: secure-file-priv参数是用来限制LOAD DATA, SELECT … OUTFILE, and LOAD_FILE()传到哪个指定目录的. 当secure_file_priv的值为null ,表示限制mysqld 不允许导入|导出; 当secure_file_priv的值为/...
简介: MySQL错误 -.--secure-file-priv 无导出权限 1.--secure-file-priv 无导出权限mysql> select * from fact_sale INTO OUTFILE '/home/backup/fact_sale.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute...
mysql> set global secure_file_priv=''; ERROR 1238 (HY000): Variable 'secure_file_priv' is a read only variable 解决方法 打开my.cnf 或 my.ini,加入以下语句后重启mysql。 secure_file_priv='' 查看secure_file_priv修改后的值 mysql> show global variables like '%secure_file_priv%'; ...
| secure_file_priv | | +---+---+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql> SELECT LOAD_FILE('/home/kali/tmp/flag'); +---+ | LOAD_FILE('/home/kali/tmp/flag') | +---+ | NULL | +---+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) --- $ cat /home/kali/tmp/flag flag{123} mysql 有用关注...
将mysql的配置文件my.ini [mysqld] 中secure_file_priv=“xxxx” 注释 或者 secure_file_priv = 在mysql 5.6.34版本以后 secure_file_priv的值默认为NULL。可以通过以下方式修改 windows下: 修改mysql.ini 文件,在[mysqld] 下添加条目: secure_file_priv = ...
- If set to NULL, the server disables import and export operations. Ok, those are the instructions, but it does not state WHERE and HOW do I set the secure_file_priv. Do I make the change in the my.ini file? in the My.sql file?, In the Local_Infile? In my.cnf?. Do I do ...
This returns Error Code: 1290. The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it can not execute this statement. The output of SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'secure_file_priv'; is "C:\mySQL" Even if I set secure-file-priv to the default location it fails. I've also tried...