在局域网中访问本机(Windows)的MySQL服务器,需要确保MySQL服务器配置为允许远程访问,并且防火墙设置允许外部连接。以下是详细的步骤: 1. 修改MySQL配置文件允许远程访问 找到并编辑MySQL配置文件my.ini,该文件通常位于C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server <version>\my.ini。 使用文本编辑器(如Notepad++)以管理员身份打...
# of your server (e.g. C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.Y). To # make sure the server reads the config file use the startup option # "--defaults-file". # # To run run the server from the command line, execute this in a # command line shell, e.g. # mysqld --defaults...
when you want to connect to the remote MySQL server from your local system, or when using a multi-server deployment where the application is running on a different machine from the database server. One option would be to access theMySQL server through SSH Tunneland another...
安装mysql server6(数据库服务器) mysql server6用来存储系统中的各类数据。 工具/原料 mysql server6 步骤/方法 1 双击开始安装MySQL 步骤阅读 2 进入欢迎界面单击【Next】按钮进入下一步,在弹出的【Setup Type】对话框里选择【Custom】安装类型,这种类型可以在随后的安装过程中修改安装路径,然后单击【Next】 ...
Specifically for remote access. One final note is that I intend to run a web server on the AWS which will connect to MySQL. My remote access is only for ease of development from my PC where I have my IDEs and test environment. Thanks to All....
Learn how to configure a MySQL server for remote connections and securely manage your databases from any location. Prerequisites Access to a terminal window/command line. Remote MySQL server. Sudoor root privileges on local and remote machines. ...
3.选择安装类型,有Typical(默认),Complete(完全),Custom(用户自定义)三个选项,选择Custom,然后按next键继续。 4.可以选择MySQL的安装路径和数据的安装路径,选择MySQL Server,点击Browse.. 选择安装的路径,还可以选择Server data files,在这里我们点击Browse..选择安装的路径。
MySQL默认在本地loaclhost登录root用户,然而远程连接却会报错(root@1X.X.X.X acess denied)。这里就需要进行配置允许远程连接才行,配置方法如下: 打开cmd,输入命令,登录数据库:”mysql -uroot -p“,输入数据库登录密码: 2. 输入授权命令:” grant all privileges on *.* to ‘root’@’%’ identified by...
I have some problems with my MySQL server. I would like connect to it throught Internet from another computer to update database in ODBC. Firewalls don't stop access (we have tested it without) and MySQL seems correctly configured to accept remotes connections. Telnet don't work to... ...