case sensitive select Bug #4974case sensitive select Submitted:10 Aug 2004 14:35Modified:10 Aug 2004 17:02 Reporter:Andrei TodeaEmail Updates: Status:Not a BugImpact on me: None Category:MySQL ServerSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:4.0.20 MaxOS:Linux (Linux (RH 9))...
1)utf8_bin:utf8_bin将字符串中的每一个字符用二进制数据存储,区分大小写。 2)utf8_general_ci:utf8_genera_ci不区分大小写,ci为case insensitive的缩写,即大小写不敏感。 3)utf8_general_cs:utf8_general_cs区分大小写,cs为case sensitive的缩写,即大小写敏感。 注:我本机使用5.7 版本不支持 utf8_gene...
Case sensitive search problemPosted by: Frank Thomson Date: May 31, 2007 12:00AM Mysql version 5.0.41 Community-nt os is win XP pro select * from test_table where mycol like '%ABC%' I have an entry in the table that is ABC and the above query works. The row is found and...
set-variable=lower_case_table_names=0(0:大小写敏感;1:大小写不敏感) 最后重启一下MySql服务即可。 方法二: 一种方法是可以设置表或行的collation,使其为binary或case sensitive。在MySQL中,对于Column Collate其约定的命名方法如下: *_bin: 表示的是binarycasesensitive collation,也就是说是区分大小写的*_cs...
这个参数只能够保证登录用户密码的大小写敏感,其他还是和原来一样,12c中这个参数变了味儿,在新版本中已经过期, 在设置的时候务必需要保证sqlnet.ora中的设置需要兼容,文件中的参数SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER如果是12,12a就需要保证SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON不为false...
MySQL case-insensitive settings Foreword: Generally, in the database usage specification, we will see such a rule: lowercase English is used for library names and table names. Have you ever thought about why lowercase is recommended? Should the library table name be case sensitive? With these ...
SELECT * FROM TABLE NAME WHERE name='Lingyejun'; 办法 解决方案一: 于是怀疑Mysql的问题。做个实验:直接使用客户端用sql查询数据库。 发现的确是大小不敏感 。 通过查询资料发现需要设置collate(校对) 。collate规则: *_bin: 表示的是binary case sensitive collation,也就是说是区分大小写的 ...
_cs:全称为case sensitive,这表示大小写敏感的规则 _bin :即binary,表示这是一个二元校对规则,话说二元规则也是一定是大小写敏感规则 MySQL服务响应客户端操作的字符的字符集和客户端信息处理过程: 1.客户端发出的SQL语句,所使用的字符集由系统变量character_set_client来指定 ...
Is there a way to make SELECT DISTINCT be case-insensitive so that it returns either 7a or 7A but not both? Alternatively, I think I could get away with making the key in table t1 case-sensitive, though that would not be my first choice. Thanks for the help.Navigate...