1 首先,点击菜单中的tools菜单 2 弹出了下拉菜单选中为options选项 3 点击insert选项 4 勾选上return inserted row选项 5 勾选上return inserted row选之后,点击ok按钮
26. if (insertedRowId == -1) { 27. Log.e(TAG, "Error inserting " + initialValues + " using " + sql); 28. } else { 29. if (Config.LOGD && Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { 30. Log.v(TAG, "Inserting row " + insertedRowId + " from " 31. + initialValues + " usin...
you get the INSERTed row back. the column has the correct auto-inc value, not NULL. subsequent identical queries return empty result sets as expected. again, my apologies if this bug has already been reported and fixed.How to repeat:CREATE TABLE t1 (id SERIAL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ()...
res->next(); my_ulonglong retVal = res->getInt64("id"); At first I used LAST_INSERT_ID() instead of @@identity, but I read it returns correct values only when auto_increment is on. Subject Views Written By Posted How to get last inserted row ID in C++ connector?
ut_ad(dict_table_is_comp(index->table) || temp); if (!index->has_instant_cols_or_row_versions()) { return INSERTED_INTO_TABLE_WITH_NO_INSTANT_NO_VERSION; } /* Position just before info-bits where version will be there if any */ ...
INSERTINTOusers (name, email, inserted_at)VALUES('Jane Doe','jane@example.com', NOW());SELECT*FROMusersORDERBYinserted_atDESCLIMIT1; mysql rownumber取最后一条数据 SELECT*FROM(SELECT*,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBYhire_dateDESC)ASrow_numFROMemployees) tWHERErow_num=1 ...
for each row begin insert into emp_t_logs(operation, operation_time, operation_id, operation_params) values('insert', current_time, NEW.id, concat('插入后(id: ', NEW.id,', name: ', NEW.name, ', age: ', NEW.age,', salary: ', NEW.salary,')')); # 这里的NEW是插入后的那一行...
staticinlineenumREC_INSERT_STATEget_rec_insert_state(constdict_index_t*index,constrec_t*rec,booltemp){ut_ad(dict_table_is_comp(index->table)||temp);if(!index->has_instant_cols_or_row_versions()){returnINSERTED_INTO_TABLE_WITH_NO_INSTANT_NO_VERSION;}/* Position just before info-bits...
Description:MySQL documentation says: ROW_COUNT() returns the number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted by the preceding statement. This is the same as the row count that the mysql client displays and the value from the mysql_affected_rows() C API function. For a number of SQL statement...
row_ins_clust_index_entry(dict_index_t * index, dtuple_t * entry, que_thr_t * thr, unsigned __int64 n_ext,booldup_chk_only) 行316212mysqld.exe!row_ins_index_entry(dict_index_t * index, dtuple_t * entry, que_thr_t * thr) 行329213mysqld.exe!row_ins_index_entry_step(ins_...