"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysqldump.exe" -u root -p123abc test > D:\Backup\MySQL\test_%y%%m%%d%.sql 2. CMD - MySQL Restore 恢复的过程,先创建一个数据库,然后进入这个数据库,使用Source来恢复数据库。 mysql.exe -u root -p show databases; create database test001; use...
2.在restore之前,必须shutdown MySQL实例,不能将一个运行中的实例restore到datadir目录中 3.由于文件属性会被保留,大部分情况下需要在启动实例之前将文件的属主改为mysql,这些文件将属于创建 备份的用户chown -R mysql:mysql /data/mysql 以上需要在用户调用innobackupex之前完成--force-non-empty-directories:指定该...
() as otherwise the flag was not saved in image's header. - When VP time is reported during BACKUP command, it is stored in backup_history record but also an entry is added to the backup_progress log informing that VP has been reached. But during RESTORE we want only to store the ...
public static void restore(){ String createDBComamnd = "mysqladmin -h "+ip+" -u "+user+" -p"+pass+" create "+database; String restoreCommand = "mysql -h "+ip+" -u "+user+" --password="+pass+" --database="+ database +" < "+path ; System.out.println(dumpCommand+"...
PropertiesCache.getInstance().getUserPwd(); private String copyDbCmd = PropertiesCache.getInstance().getCopyDbCmd();//数据库备份命令...restoreCmd = PropertiesCache.getInstance().getRestoreCmd(); //数据库还原命令 private String msg = "...; System.out.println("数据库备份命令"+copyDbCmd); Sy...
restore($mysql_file); //执行MySQL恢复命令 function restore($fname) { if (file_exists($fname)) { $sql_value=""; $cg=0; $sb=0; $sqls=file($fname); foreach($sqls as $sql) { $sql_value.=$sql; } $a=explode(";\r\n", $sql_value); //根据";\r\n"条件对数据库中分条...
This command restores a cluster from a backup having the specified backup ID (--backupidoption; short form:-I) to the MySQL NDB Cluster namedcluster_name. In its simplest form, it can be used as shown here, to restore the cluster namedmyclusterto the state saved in the backup having bac...
restore_command='cp /disk3/PostgreSQL/archives/%f "%p"' 1. 然后将/home/pgsql/database/pg_xlog/下面的WAL清空。 启动PostgreSQL,我们可以看到如下的LOG信息: LOG: could not create IPv6 socket: Address family not supported by protocol LOG: database system was interrupted at 2005-04-11 23:13:...
20、Command(backupSQL, "cmd" /* * 测试恢复数据库 */ / Common.ExecCommand(changepath, "cmd" / Common.ExecCommand(RestoreSQL, "cmd" catch (Exception e / 使用系統用戶導入導出數據 / exp userid=system/manager owner=username1 file=expfile.dmp / imp userid=system/manager fromuser=username1 to...
在restore之前,必须shutdown MySQL实例,不能将一个运行中的实例restore到datadir目录中 由于文件属性会被保留,大部分情况下需要在启动实例之前将文件的属主改为mysql,这些文件将属于创建备份的用户, 执行chown -R mysql:mysql /data/mysql,以上需要在用户调用innobackupex之前完成 ...