SELECT column1, column2, COUNT(*) FROM table_name GROUP BY column1, column2 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 """cursor.execute(query)# 处理结果duplicates=cursor.fetchall()ifduplicates:print("重复记录:")forduplicateinduplicates:print(duplicate)else:print("没有重复记录")# 关闭连接cursor.close()cnx.close...
2)查询 course 表中的数据,SQL 语句和运行结果如下: mysql> create table tb*_course(id int not null primary key auto_*increment, course*_name varchar(50));* *Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)* mysql> desc course; +---+---+---+---+---+---+ | Field | Type | Null | Ke...
->('Susan','Arizona',''); Query OK,10rowsaffected,5warnings(0.00sec) Records:15Duplicates:5Warnings:5 mysql>SELECT*FROMstudent_contacts; +---+---+---+ |name|state|email| +---+---+---+ |Carine|Texas|carine@javatpoint.c...
(3) what the desired query result would be for the dataset defined in #1 and #2 I need to copy rows to the same table with a different catid without having them duplicate each time I run the query. I tried IGNORE and REPLACE but no matter what I get duplicates. I am using phpmyadmi...
> insert into users select *from users_memory;Query OK, 1000000 rows affected (7.48 sec)Records: 1000000 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 整个过程耗时在18秒,和第三种方案很相似,看起来略微复杂了或者啰嗦了一些。 以上几种方案只是个人的一些简单测试总结,如果你有好的方案,希望多提意见,多多沟通。
lex->duplicates= DUP_ERROR; mysql_init_select(lex); } insert_lock_option opt_ignore insert2 { Select->set_lock_for_tables($3); Lex->current_select= &Lex->select_lex; } insert_field_spec opt_insert_update {} ; insert2: INTO insert_table {}这说明insert之后的into是可选的,有没有相同...
("tony", 35, "male", "RD", 99999999, 1), -> ("emmy", 27, "female", "RD", 9999, 1), -> ("emmy", 23, "female", "finance", 5000, 2), -> ("lucy", 45, "female", "finance", 10000, 2) -> ; Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.01 sec) Records: 9 Duplicates: 0 ...
ERROR1062(23000): Duplicate entry'Frank-Li'forkey'PRIMARY'insertintoprimary_t(last_name,first_name,sex)values('Frank','Li','Man'),('Frank','Cai','Man'),('Coco','Li','Woman'); mysql>select*fromprimary_t;+---+---+---+|last_name|first_name|sex|+---+---+---+|Coco|Li...
{ /* If the SQL-query will update or replace duplicate key we will take X-lock for duplicates ( REPLACE, LOAD DATAFILE REPLACE, INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE). */ err = row_ins_set_exclusive_rec_lock(lock_type, block, rec, index, offsets, thr); ...
Say for example if I use crmid I don't want duplicates in that column because that means I'm also returning multiple name fields and I only want one name field per crmid. Thank you for your help.Navigate: Previous Message• Next Message Options: Reply• Quote Subject...