首先安装第三方mysql管理模块:pip install mysql-connector.如果安装过程中出现 WARNING: You are using pip version 21.3; however, version 21.3.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'C:\Program Files\python3.9\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. 说明pip的版本有新的了...
sudo pip install mysql-connector-python 报错信息: Collecting mysql-connector-python Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mysql-connector-python (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for mysql-connector-python 解决方案:wget https://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/Connector-Python/...
Connector/Python 9.2.0 MySQL Community Downloads Connector/Python General Availability (GA) Releases Archives Select Operating System:
$ echo https://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/Connector-Python/mysql-connector-python-2.1.3.tar.gz >> requirements.txt $ sudo -H pip install -r ./requirements.txt本机必须得加-H...container里直接 pip install -r ./requirements.txt 就行。
4.1 Obtaining Connector/Python Usingpipis the preferred method to obtain, install, and upgrade Connector/Python. Alternatively, see theConnector/Python download site. Note Themysql-connector-pythonpackage installs an interface to the commonly used classic MySQL protocol. Alternatively, an X DevAPI inter...
mysql-connector-python支持Linux、Mac OS X和Windows系统。 mysql-connector-python的下载地址 http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/python/。 我以Ubuntu系统Python2.7为例: 方法一:使用apt安装: 1 $ sudo apt install python-mysql.connector 方法二:使用pip安装: 1 $ sudo pip install mysql-connector-py...
安装mysql connector, 下载地址:https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/python/ 我的系统为64, 下载的是mysql-connector-python-2.1.5-py3.4-winx64,还是报错,后来注意到寻找的目录是Program Files (x86),又下了个32位的安装。错误过去了。但是又来新的错误: LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external sym...
python 2.7.10 setuptools 16.0 pip 7.0.1 操作系统:Windows10.0.10240 64位 解决办法: 1) 安装mysql connector, 可根据系统版本选择安装32位或64位的, 下载地址: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/6.0.html#downloads 2) 安装Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7,要是安装mysql-python需...
最新版本的 Python 中包含pip包安装程序。 通过运行pip install -U pip将pip更新为最新版本。 如果未安装pip,则可使用get-pip.py下载并安装它。 有关详细信息,请参阅安装。 使用pip,安装用于 Python 的 MySQL 连接器及其依赖项: bash pip install mysql-connector-python ...
If binary wheels do not exist for your version of Python, it may be possible to build from source, but if this does not work,do not come asking for support.To build from source, download theMariaDB C Connectorand install it. It must be installed in the default location (usually "C:\...