ALTERUSER'testuser'@'localhost'PASSWORD EXPIREDEFAULT; 从MySQL 5.7.6版开始,还可以使用ALTER USER语句修改用户的密码: mysql>ALTERUSERUSER() IDENTIFIEDBY'637h1m27h36r33K'; Query OK,0rowsaffected (0.00sec) 更多的细节可以参考:
通过类图可以展示系统中不同角色的口令管理责任与功能,以下是相应的类图: 管理接口使用接口Admin+setPasswordPolicy()+setPasswordExpiration()User+setPassword()+changePassword()+receiveExpirationNotification()System+validatePasswordComplexity()+enforcePasswordExpiration()+updatePassword() 结论 在保护数据库安全的整体...
Password expiration policy in MySQL Server 5.7 原理 批量脚本 mysql-uroot-p'xx'-e"select user,host from mysql.user;">/root/user.txt sed-i'1d'user.txt#sed -i 's/[ ][ ]*/@/g' user.txtsed-i's/\s\+/@/g'user.txt cat!/bin/...
ALTERUSER'testuser'@'localhost'PASSWORDEXPIREDEFAULT; 从MySQL 5.7.6版开始,还可以使用ALTER USER语句修改用户的密码: mysql>ALTERUSERUSER() IDENTIFIEDBY'637h1m27h36r33K'; Query OK,0rowsaffected (0.00sec) 更多的细节可以参考: ...
This section describes how to create user accounts. It demonstrates configuring a password expiration policy, using security-relatedCREATE USERoptions, granting user privileges, and verifying user privileges and authentication. Two user accounts are created:user1anduser2. Theuser1account is defined with...
ALTER USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' PASSWORD EXPIRE; This operation marks the password expired in the corresponding row in the mysql.user system table. Password expiration according to policy is automatic and is based on password age, which for a given account is assessed from the date and time...
## 设置用户密码永不过期ALTERUSER'jeffrey'@'localhost'PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER; 在MySQL5.7版本中,可以通过账号锁定来禁用账号。ALTERUSER'jeffrey'@'localhost'ACCOUNT LOCK;ALTERUSER'jeffrey'@'localhost'ACCOUNT UNLOCK; 参考链接: https...
caching_sha2_password采用sha1增强安全性,caching提升性能。 默认使用OpenSSL lib来完成加密和解密功能 默认加密存储redo和undo log redo log使用参数 innodb_redo_log_encrypt 开启和关闭加密(默认关闭) undo log使用innodb_undo_log_encrypt开关控制 增加sql role功能 ...
It is not all in one chapter. This feature is explained in several chapters. I recommend you to read the entire 5.7 manual. One of the related chapters is: [21 Apr 2015 15:08] g c ...
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