net_read_timeout 和net_write_timeout是数据库会话创建好之后mysql server端使用的读写超时。如果读取或者写入操作在等待了达到超时后服务器认为客户端连接断开,执行错误处理。 而slave_net_timeout是slave的io线程使用客户端C API连接master时候,调用mysql_options()来设置MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,MYSQL_OPT_READ_...
net_read_timeout 和net_write_timeout是数据库会话创建好之后mysql server端使用的读写超时。如果读取或者写入操作在等待了达到超时后服务器认为客户端连接断开,执行错误处理。 而slave_net_timeout是slave的io线程使用客户端C API连接master时候,调用mysql_options()来设置MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,MYSQL_OPT_READ_...
The MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT and MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT options to mysql_options() work for all TCP/IP connections since 4.1.22/5.0.25/5.1.12. From the manual page at
MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT(argument type:unsigned int *) The timeout in seconds for each attempt to write to the server. There is a retry if necessary, so the total effective timeout value is two times the option value. MYSQL_OPT_ZSTD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL(argument type:unsigned int *) The com...
MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT 是 MySQL c api 客户端中用来设置读取超时时间的参数。在 MySQL 的官方文档中,该参数的描述是这样的: MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT (argument type: unsigned int *) The timeout in seconds for each attempt to read from the server. There are retries if necessary, so the total ...
MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT(argument type:unsigned int *) The timeout in seconds for each attempt to write to the server. There is a retry if necessary, so the total effective timeout value is two times the option value. MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR(argument type:char *) ...
MYSQLI_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT是通过mysqli_options函数来设置的。该函数的调用方式如下: boolmysqli_options(mysqli$link,int$option,mixed$value) 1. 其中,参数link是一个有效的MySQL连接对象;link是一个有效的MySQL连接对象;option是要设置的选项,这里为MYSQLI_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT;$value是所设置的选项值。
MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT(argument: not used) This option is unused. MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT(argument type:unsigned int *) The timeout in seconds for each attempt to write to the server. There is a retry if necessary, so the total effective timeout value is two times the option value. ...
or mysql_options(…, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT,…). In this case increasing the timeout may help solve the problem. -You have encountered a timeout on the server side and the automatic reconnection in the client is disabled (the reconnect flag in the MYSQL structure is equal to 0). ...
Are there any plans to make MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT/MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT options available on other platforms than windows like linux or solaris? Thanks Igor Subject Written By Posted MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT Igor Loboda April 11, 2005 07:17AM ...