勾选Open Windows Firewall ports for network access:表示为网络访问打开Windows防火墙端口 Pipe Name和Memory Name:所设定的名字需要记住 勾选Show Advanced and Logging Options可以额外对当前安装进行进一步配置高级选项和日志记录 9.配置身份验证方式 勾选Use Strong Password Encryption for Authentication(RECOMMENDED)验...
X Protocol Port:指明X协议端口--33060 勾选Open Windows Firewall ports for network access:表示为网络访问打开Windows防火墙端口 Pipe Name和Memory Name:所设定的名字需要记住 勾选Show Advanced and Logging Options可以额外对当前安装进行进一步配置高级选项和日志记录 9.配置身份验证方式 勾选Use Strong Password E...
Open Windows Firewall port for network access, which is selected by default for TCP/IP connections. If a port number is in use already, you will see the information icon () next to the default value andNextis disabled until you provide a new port number. ...
User name = the windows login username password = the windows login password To this point there are no MySQL usernames or passwords. Tick "Open Ports in Firewall" Click "Save and Next" You should see Fetching and each VM will have a line. ...
The Windows authentication plugin was not inserted into the configuration file when Windows-authenticated users were added during the server configuration. (Bug #25802636) The configuration log included messages from when Windows Firewall ports were opened, but the messages indicated incorrect port numbers...
数据库。...IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’ WITH GRANT OPTION;或者update user set host = ‘%’ where user = ‘root’;命令可以更改远程连接的设置...如果还不能连接成功,比如用navicat连接会出现10060错误,解决方法: 6.查看防火墙规则,看ports是否开放了3306端口 firewall-cmd –list-all 7.开放端口 firewall...
Bugs Fixed • When MySQL Installer 1.4.10 was checking for existing products installed on the host, an exception was thrown during the Windows firewall detection phase if Windows firewall rules were created without assigned ports after MySQL server was installed. (Bug #21653781, Bug #78138) ...
systemctl stop firewalld.service 查看修改后的防火墙是否生效。 firewall-cmd --zone=public --query-port=8080/tcp 或者 firewall-cmd --query-port=8080/tcp 查看已经开放的端口: firewall-cmd --list-ports 2.CentOS 7 以下版本 iptables 命令 ...
Description:When creating a windows InnoDB cluster it will fail when trying to add the 2nd (or more) instance. The reason for the failure is the installer uses port 33061 which is not opened in the firewall by the installer. The installer does open ports 3306 and 33060 as a follow up ...
[root@VM-8-8-centos bin]# firewall -cmd --list-ports -bash: firewall: command not found 未安置防火墙,需要安装 代码语言:javascript 复制 yum install firewalld systemd -y 启动防火墙 代码语言:javascript 复制 systemctl start firewalld.service 开放80端口 代码语言:javascript 复制 firewall-cmd -...