步骤1:安装 MySQL ODBC 驱动程序 首先,你需要确保已经安装了 MySQL ODBC 驱动程序。你可以从 [MySQL 官方网站]( 下载并安装适合你操作系统的驱动程序。 步骤2:检查驱动程序 确认驱动程序的位数与应用程序的位数相匹配,通常情况下,如果你的应用是 64 位的,那么需要使用 64 位的 ODBC 驱动;如果是 32 位的应用,...
(1) 注释:# QMAKE_USE += mysql(2) 添加如下内容: LIBS += D:\uninstall\mysql-8.0.29-winx64\lib\libmysql.lib INCLUDEPATH += D:\uninstall\mysql-8.0.29-winx64\include DEPENDPATH += D:\uninstall\mysql-8.0.29-winx64\include DESTDIR=../mysql/driver 1. 2. 3. 4. 修改后mysql.pro文件内容...
Re: 64 bit MyODBC driver for UNIX Jim Winstead November 29, 2007 01:54PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. This forum is currently read only. You can not log in or make any changes. This is a temporary situation. ...
- Development Platforms Variety. ODBC driver for MySQL doesn't limit your choice of the development platform and environment. The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. ...
1、如果报错内容如下:Error 1918. Error installing ODBC driver MySQL ODBC5.3 ANSI Driver,ODBC error 13:无法加载 MySQL ODBC5.3 ANSI Driver ODBC驱动程序的安装例程, 因为存在系统错误代码 126:找不到指定的模块。 解决方案:如果电脑是64位 请安装:Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 可再发行组件包 (x64) 和 Micro...
mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.9-win32和VC2013 PowerDesigner逆向工程导入MYSQL数据库所需要的mysql-odbc还有vc。针对的是32位PowerDesigner的。 上传者:ly8951677时间:2017-07-29 Mysql 6.3.9 64bit驱动 最新版的mysql ODBC 5.3.9 可安装于64位操作系统,能纠正原安装版本不正确的问题,是从官网注册一堆东西后才下载...
The easiest way to install MySQL ODBC Drivers on Windows is to use MSI Package. MSI package supports both Windows 32 bit and 64 bit. Step 1. Download MySQL Connectors Now, we start the first step is to go to this URLhttp://www.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/3.51.html#downloads ...
Database Toolbox™ no longer supports connecting to a database using a 32-bit driver. Use the 64-bit version of MySQL. If you have issues working with the ODBC driver, use the JDBC driver instead. For details, see MySQL JDBC for Windows. For details about working with the 64-bit ver...
I'm aware that there's a new version, 5.1, but I/we prefer to stick to this driver version (3.51) for some programming constraints & compatibility reasons in our application system. Thanks again. Subject Written By Posted mysql odbc 3.51.27 driver for windows server 2008 64bit ...