6. 发现日志存在连接数据库异常【No route to host (Host unreachable)】 经查看应该是防火墙没有关闭导致的 # 查询防火墙 systemctl status firewalld # 临时关闭 systemctl stop firewalld #永久关闭,即设置开机的时候不自动启动 systemctl disable firewalld 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 关闭防火墙后,发现日志请...
配置防火墙,开启3306端口,并重启防火墙服务,如果防火墙没有配置,会报No route to host (Host unreachable)错误 # firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3306/tcp --permanent # systemctl restart firewalld.service 登录mysql,设置全部用户或指定用户允许远程连接 #允许所有用户远程访问 修改用户名和密码为你自...
113 = No route to host 114 = Operation already in progress 115 = Operation now in progress 116 = Stale file handle 117 = Structure needs cleaning 118 = Not a XENIX named type file 119 = No XENIX semaphores available 120 = Is a named type file 121 = Remote I/O error 122 = Disk qu...
OS error code112: Hostisdown OS error code113: No route to host OS error code114: Operation alreadyinprogress OS error code115: Operation nowinprogress OS error code116: Stale file handle OS error code117: Structure needs cleaning OS error code118: Not a XENIX named type file OS error c...
errno.02 is: No such file or directory 没有此文件或目录 errno.03 is: No such process 没有此进程 errno.04 is: Interrupted system call 中断系统调用 errno.05 is: Input/output error 输入输出错误 errno.06 is: No such device or address 没有此设备或地址 ...
185 common frames omitted Caused by: java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (Host unreachable) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:350) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Abstract...
Executing test client: couldn't open socket: host is unreachable. couldn't open socket: host is unreachable while executing google了好久也没找到解决方案,索性就不管它,直接启动redis-server,然后使用客户端测试连接,却得到错误 Could not connect to Redis at No route to host ...
B. Route delete C. Raute delete D. Raute change 查看完整题目与答案 平滑指数的确定带有一定的主观性,平滑指数越大,则近期实际数对预测值的影响越大;反之则越小。() A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 该患者病情观察的重点内容不包括. A. 肌强直、肌震颤及其发展情况 B. 体重...
errno.113 is: No route to host errno.114 is: Operation already in progress errno.115 is: Operation now in progress errno.116 is: Stale NFS file handle errno.117 is: Structure needs cleaning errno.118 is: Not a XENIX named type file ...
SQL_Delay: 一个非负整数,表示使用CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO SOURCE_DELAY=*N*(从 MySQL 8.0.23 开始)或CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_DELAY=N(在 MySQL 8.0.23 之前)配置的复制延迟,以秒为单位。 SQL_Remaining_Delay: 当Replica_SQL_Running_State为Waiting until MASTER_DELAY seconds after master executed ...