mysql_next_result() 读取下一个语句结果并返回一个状态以指示是否存在更多结果。如果 mysql_next_result() 返回错误,则没有更多结果。 在每次调用 mysql_next_result() 之前,如果当前语句是返回结果集(而不仅仅是结果状态)的语句,则必须为当前语句调用 mysql_free_result()。 在调用 mysql_next_result() 之后...
mysqli next result - 语法 bool mysqli_next_result ( mysqli $link ); 1. 它从mysqli_multi_query()准备下一个输出集。 mysqli next result - 返回值 成功时返回TRUE,失败时返回FALSE。 mysqli next result - 示例 <?php $connection_mysql=mysqli_connect("localhost","user","password","db"); ...
mysqli_next_result() 函数为mysqli_multi_query()准备下一个结果集。 语法 mysqli_next_result(connection); 执行多个针对数据库的查询。请使用 mysqli_next_result() 函数来准备下一个结果集: <?php//假定数据库用户名:root,密码:123456,数据库:RUNOOB$con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","123456",...
Prepares next result set from a previous call tomysql_real_query()which can be retrieved bymysql_store_result()ormysql_use_result(). Returns zero on success, nonzero if an error occurred. If a multi query contains errors the return value ofmysql_errno/error() might change and there will...
mysqli_next_result() 函数为 mysqli_multi_query() 准备下一个结果集。语法mysqli_next_result(connection); 参数描述 connection 必需。规定要使用的 MySQL 连接。技术细节返回值: 如果成功则返回 TRUE,如果失败则返回 FALSE。 PHP 版本: 5+PHP MySQLi 参考手册 ...
It is also possible to test whether there are more results by callingmysql_more_results(). However, this function does not change the connection state, so if it returns true, you must still callmysql_next_result()to advance to the next result. ...
It is also possible to test whether there are more results by callingmysql_more_results(). However, this function does not change the connection state, so if it returns true, you must still callmysql_next_result()to advance to the next result. ...
functionSQLnext($connect= -1){ global$global; if($connect=== -1)$connect=$global['sys']['default_connect']; if(isset($global['error']['sql']))return; $connect->next_result(); $global['result'] =$connect->store_result(); ...