从库show slave status监控的时候发现sql_thread进程已经变成NO,并且爆出了1362错误,仔细查看报错的是一条insert into语句,并且抛出了一个详细的错误,大致的意思就是字段column_1设置了NOT NULL但是没有插入值并且没有默认值。然后仔细检查了一下表结构,具体信息如下 字段column_1的确设置的是NOT NULL并且没有设置defa...
I have created a NOT NULL generated virtual column. I've used upper case to indicate another of WB's memory lapses. When I 'Forward Engineer' and check the SQL code, that column is NOT specified as NOT NULL and since that is not the default, this column will be created as NULL. Tha...
用alter table change语法来修改列的默认字符集,结果报错ERROR 1064. 自己没发现语法错在什么地方。 mysql> alter table goods change goods_name goods_name varchar(120) not null character set utf8 ; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to yo...
You are trying to insert a value asnullinto a field that does not allownullvalues. The column in question is theEmailcolumn. Empty string is not the same as null, so you could just make it that if you need to insert with no value. Since you appear to be setting it in the code, ...
ALTERTABLE... CHANGECOLUMN`Id` `Id`INT(11)NOTNULLAUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=123456; The easiest way that I have found to solve this issue is to first set the table'sAUTO INCREMENTvalue before altering the column. Just make sure that you set the auto increment value higher than the ...
如果表没有主键,你可以使用WHERE NOT EXISTS子查询来在插入数据之前进行条件检查,确保没有相同的值存在。以下是一个示例的 SQL 插入语句: INSERT INTOyour_table(column1, column2, ...)SELECT'value1','value2', ... FROM dual WHERE NOTEXISTS( ...
+---+ | bieming | +---+ | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | | abc | +---+ mysql> select abc from emp; ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'abc' in 'field list' 这样肯定报错,因为...
Thus I have set both null as I want to set either day or date. If the date is specified, then I can get the day from it, so it doesn't make sense to ask or force the user to set day, which may cause human error. I may use TRIGGER but would like to know if there is any...
列(column):表中的一个字段。 所有表都是由一个或多个列组成的; 列储存表中某部分的信息。 可以根据自己的具体需求,来决定把数据分解到何种程度。 数据类型(datatype):所允许的//数据的类型,定义了列可以存储哪些数据种类。 每个表列都有相应的数据类型,它限制(或允许)该列中存储的数据。