show grants for dba@localhost; 1. 四、撤销权限 撤销已经赋予给 MySQL 用户权限的权限。 revoke 跟 grant 的语法差不多,只需要把关键字 “to” 换成 “from” 即可: grant all on *.* to dba@localhost; revoke all on *.* from dba@localhost; 1. 2. 3. 五、注意事项 grant、revoke 用户权限分...
CREATE Create_priv 授予用户可以使用特定的名字创建一个数据表的权限 INDEX Index_priv 授予用户可以在表上定义索引的权限 ALL 或 ALL PRIVILEGES 或 SUPER Super_priv 所有的权限名3) 授予列权限时,<权限类型>的值只能指定为 SELECT、INSERT 和 UPDATE,同时权限的后面需要加上列名列表 column-list。4...
Now let’s imagine we want to have multiple users that will have access to the same database (mydatabase), instead of specifying all the grants for each users, let’s use a commonrolefor all of them. We will call it ‘developer_user‘: mysql> create ROLE developer_user; mysql> grant...
Using this command, all the usernames associated with different hosts will be eliminated and you can see only unique usernames from the `mysql.user` table. In this way, you’ll have a clearer view of the users list on your server. ...
@'HOST':主机名,IP地址或网络地址,通配符(%,_)>>admin@>admin@>admin@>admin@192.168.%.%创建用户:CREATE USER>CREATE USER'USERNAME'@'HOST'[IDENTIFIED BY'PASSWORD']查看用户授权:SHOW GRANTS FOR>SHOW GRANTS FOR'USERNAME'@'HOST'重命名用户:RENAME...
SHOW GRANTS FOR'username'@'host'; Copy Just as you can delete databases withDROP, you can useDROPto delete a user: DROPUSER'username'@'localhost'; Copy After creating your MySQL user and granting them privileges, you can exit the MySQL client: ...
UserAdmin: Grants rights to create user logins and reset passwords. SecurityAdmin: Grants rights to manage logins and grant and revoke server privileges. MonitorAdmin: Grants the minimum rights to monitor the server. DBManager: Grants full rights on all databases. ...
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'localhost'; Grant Drop Privileges A user withDROPprivileges can delete entire tables and databases. To do so: 1. Enter one of the following commands to grantDROPprivileges to a MySQL user: All databases GRANT DROP ON *.* TO 'username'@'localhost'; ...
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'itpux2'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'itpux2'; 授权的访问 on *.* --- mysql.user表 on 库名.* --- mysql.db表 on 库名.表名 --- mysql.table_priv on 库名.表名.列名 --- mysql.columns_priv mysql> show grants for 'itpux2'@'%'; +---...
show grants for webgametest@; show可以看到很多东西 show create database dbname; 这个可以看到创建数据库时用到的一些参数。 show create table tickets; 可以看到创建表时用到的一些参数 查看用户权限 show grants for 你的用户 比如: