How to list all tables that contain a specific column name in MySQL? You want to look for tables using the name of columns in them. SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME IN('column1', 'column2') AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'schema_name'; Or a more ...
以下是mysql_list_tables函数的状态图,用于表示函数在不同状态下的行为。 连接成功选择数据库获取数据表列表关闭连接 饼状图 下面是一个使用mysql_list_tables函数获取数据表列表的示例代码,并使用饼状图表示各个数据表的比例。 <?php$tables=array();$result=mysqli_query($conn,"SHOW TABLES");if($result){wh...
The query below lists all tables in all user databases. To list tables just from current database usethis query. Do you ever feel like him? Don't worry, we just might have a solution... Find out what it is Query selecttable_schemaasdatabase_name, table_namefrominformation_schema.tables...
> How does one list all tables in all databases (catalogs)? Use my function from test case: testResult(dbmd.getTables(null, null, "%", tableTypes)); but set nullCatalogMeansCurrent option to false in your connection string. See manual at
}privatevoidgetDBAllTablesName_TableColumnsName()throwsException { List<Map> DBAllTablesName_TableColumnsName =newArrayList<>(); List<String> tables =this.getDBTableName();for(String table : tables) { DBAllTablesName_TableColumnsName.add(this.getTableColumnName(table)); ...
CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR:与 OBServer 的连接已经中断。 CR_SERVER_LOST:查询期间与服务器的连接请求断开。 CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR:出现未知错误。 使用说明 调用mysql_list_tables()类似于执行查询SHOW TABLES [LIKE wild]。 调用完成后必须使用mysql_free_result()释放结果集。
The world's most popular open source database Contact MySQL|Login|Register HeatWave Use automated and integrated generative AI and machine learning (ML) in one cloud service for transactions and lakehouse scale analytics. Get faster insights from all your data with unmatched performance and deploy ap...
DELIMITER//CREATEPROCEDURE`list_all_columns`()BEGINDECLAREdoneINTDEFAULTFALSE;DECLAREschema_nameVARCHAR(64);DECLAREtable_nameVARCHAR(64);DECLAREcolumn_nameVARCHAR(64);DECLAREdata_typeVARCHAR(64);DECLAREcharacter_maximum_lengthINT;-- 游标声明DECLAREcurCURSORFORSELECTtable_schema,table_name,column_name,data...