/*** 主表索引同步子表* @param masterTableName 主表名* @return*/private Boolean syncAlterConfigIndex(String masterTableName) {String table = masterTableName + "%";//获取子表名List<String> tableInfoList = configExtMapper.getTableInfoList(table);if (tableInfoList.isEmpty()){return false;}...
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"""#注意,一次性执行多行sql,必须在连接时,指定client_flag=CLIENT.MULTI_STATEMENTScursor.execute(sql) conn.commit()defgen(num, tmp_list):foriinrange(num): tmp= fk.paragraph()ifrandom.randint(0, 1)elsetmp_list[random.randint(0, (tmp_list.__len__() ...
*/ if (v_col->v_indexes != nullptr) { /* Register the index with the virtual column index list */ struct dict_v_idx_t new_idx = {index, index->n_def}; v_col->v_indexes->push_back(new_idx); } col_name = dict_table_get_v_col_name_mysql(table, dict_col_get_no(col))...
把状态为 FREE 的区对应的 XDES Entry 结构通过 List Node 来连接成一个链表,即 FREE 链表; 把状态为 FREE_FRAG 的区对应的 XDES Entry 结构通过 List Node 来连接成一个链表,即 FREE_FRAG 链表。 把状态为 FULL_FRAG 的区对应的 XDES Entry 结构通过 List Node 来连接成一个链表,即 FULL_FRAG 链表。
T-tree indexes No No No No Yes Transactions 事务 No No Yes No Yes Update statistics for data dictionary Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3.2 设置存储引擎 3.2.1 查看存储引擎 可以使用SHOW ENGINES语句来查看你当前的MySQL服务支持哪些存储引擎。 还可以使用 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%storage_engine%'; 语句来查看当...
1.创建和删除索引( Creating and dropping indexes ) 创建: mysql> USE sakila; Database changed mysql> CREATE INDEX idx_actor_first_name ON actor (first_name); 或者 mysql> ALTER TABLE actor ADD INDEX idx_actor_first_name (first_name); ...
$$.column_list->push_back($1.column) || $$.value_list->push_back($1.value))下面使用语句update mytest set c1=11,c2=12,c3=13 where id=1来debug一下这个两个list,我们断点放到fill_record_n_invoke_before_triggers就可以了,(gdb) p fields$67 = (List<Item> &) @0x7fff30005da8: {... Indexes Tab TheIndexessubtab contains all of the index information for your table. Use this subtab to add, drop, and modify indexes. The following figure shows an example of the layout with thePRIMARYindex of thecustomertable selected and both the index columns and index options show...
*/ if (v_col->v_indexes != nullptr) { /* Register the index with the virtual column index list */ struct dict_v_idx_t new_idx = {index, index->n_def}; v_col->v_indexes->push_back(new_idx); } col_name = dict_table_get_v_col_name_mysql(table, dict_col_get_no(col))...
UNION会按照字段的顺序进行排序,而UNION ALL只是简单的将两个结果合并就返回; SQL执行顺序 手写 SELECT DISTINCT FROM <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <join_condition> WHERE <where_condition> GROUP BY <group_by_list> HAVING <having...