官网按SQL语法功能分为8个部分,分别是: 数据定义语句(Data Definition Statement) 数据处理语句(Data Manipulation Statement) 事务和锁定声明(Transactional and Locking Statement) 复制语句(Replication Statement) 预处理SQL语句语法(Prepared SQL Statement ...
Over 2000 ISVs, OEMs, and VARs rely on MySQL as their products' embedded database to make their applications, hardware and appliances more competitive, bring them to market faster, and lower their cost of goods sold. Learn More » MySQL Cluster CGE MySQL Cluster enables users to meet th...
used to access databases. Depending on the programming environment, a developer might enter SQL directly—for example, to generate reports. It’s also possible to embed SQL statements into code written in another programming language or use a language-specific API that hides the SQL syntax. ...
SQL DDL (SQL Data Definition Language): Syntax examples include creating, altering, and dropping tables, indexes, views, and procedures. SQL DML (SQL Data Manipulation Language): Syntax examples for operations such as SELECT, INSERT, and REPLACE. The built-in operations are stored in text fi...
For identifier syntax, seeSection 11.2, “Schema Object Names”. Variables can be user variables, system variables, or stored program local variables or parameters: User variables:Section 11.4, “User-Defined Variables” System variables:Section 7.1.9, “Using System Variables” ...
DML(Data Manipulation Language),即数据操作语言,用于操作数据库对象中所包含的数据。常用关键字包括:插入(INSERT)、更新(UPDATE)、删除(DELETE)。 DML有助于管理数据库中的数据。通常用于从数据库中提取信息、修改现有数据或添加新数据。DML 与 DQL 语句是开发人员使用最频繁的操作。
ERROR1064(42000): You have an errorinyour SQL syntax;checkthe manual that correspondstoyour MySQL server versionfortherights mysql>DROPFUNCTIONhello; Query OK,0rows affected (0.47sec) mysql>SELECThello(); ERROR1305(42000):FUNCTIONtest.hello doesnotexist ...
The book also includes a comprehensive reference section providing detailed information on MySQL's structure, language, syntax, and APIs. Learn More » High Performance MySQL By Baron Schwartz, Peter Zaitsev, Vadim TkachenkoHow can you bring out MySQL's full power? With High Performance MySQL, ...
MySQL Language Structure : This page discusses the syntactical and structural rules for writing Literal values, Schema Object Names, User-defined and system variables, Expression Syntax, MySQL Comments, MySQL Reserved words etc.
Syntax: CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name (create_definition,...) [table_option ...] [partition_options] Or: CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name [(create_definition,...)] [table_option ...] [partition_options] ...