SET optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_cost_based=off,batched_key_access=on'; 1. 我们再来看执行计划 tbl_user_login_log 查询到的 user_name 的值先放到 join buffer,当 join buffer 满了或者数据查完了,再对 join buffer 里面的值进行排序,然后再去关联 tbl_user ,此时就会顺序匹配索引 i_aaa 如果需要...
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON = t2.tid AND t2.uid = 22 ORDER BY t2.uid DESC, I've got 2 tables, the first has a long list of names with id, the second has some of those id's against another unique id. I want to list off of the names from the first table, bu...
join_buffer_size默认大小是:262144 B=256 KB,这个大小是分配给每个join的 One buffer is allocated for each join that can be buffered, so a given query might be processed using multiple join buffers. mysql> show variables like 'join_buffer_size%'; +---+---+ | Variable_name | Value | +-...
The query is for a single table, not a join on multiple tables. A single-indexFORCE INDEXindex hint is present. The idea is that if index use is forced, there is nothing to be gained from the additional overhead of performing dives into the index. ...
How to LEFT JOIN on Multiple Columns in … MD Aminul IslamFeb 15, 2024 MySQLMySQL Join Sometimes when working with large databases, you may need to merge different fields from different tables into one table. The term we will use for this purpose is the left join. ...
【3】如果表有一个multiple-column索引,任何一个索引的最左前缀可以通过使用优化器来查找行。 【4】查询中与其它表关联的字,字段常常建立了外键关系 【5】查询中统计或分组统计的字段 select max(hbs_bh) from zl_yhjbqk select qc_bh,count(*) from zl_yhjbqk group by qc_bh ...
MySql Join连接三种算法 前言: MySQL是只支持一种JOIN算法Nested-Loop Join(嵌套循环链接),不过MySQL的Nested-Loop Join(嵌套循环链接)也是有很多变种,能够帮助MySQL更高效的执行JOIN操作。 1. Simple Nested-Loop Join 这个算法相对来说很简单,从驱动表A中拿取关联条件A1匹配被驱动表B所有列,得到结果记录。继续A.....
在MySQL中,使用JOIN语句可以基于另一个表来更新多个值。下面是使用JOIN语句更新MySQL中多个值的步骤: 1. 首先,准备两个表,一个是需要更新的目标表,一个是提供更新数据的源表。目标表包...
-- 内连接inner join,也称为等值连接 -- 中间表为经过on条件过滤后的笛卡尔积 select vend_name,prod_name,prod_price from vendors inner join products on vendors.vend_id = products.vend_id; 编号为20005的订单中的物品及对应情况 select prod_name,vend_name,prod_price,quantity from orderitems,products...
I've been wondering, I ran this particular SQL statement on multiple merge tables. I'll call it, (Table 1) ab_all, (Table 2) ac_all, (Table 3) ad_all, all in which are merge tables. ab_all is infact a merge table for the tables ab_{date1}, ab_{date2}, etc. same ...