In the above example, if the value from the column "myfield" matches "somevalue" then the IF function will evaluate to 1. This is then compared with the value 1 which returns true or false for this part of the where condition depending whether the IF function returns 1 or 0.This...
select IDfromvc_diagram where USER_ID ="+QaUtil.user_id +"AND NAME ="+diagramName+"; 查询时会报Unknown column ‘xxx’ in ‘where clause’ 因为USER_ID是整型,NAME是字符串类型,sql中字符串类型必须要包含在引号内,所以修改为: select IDfromvc_diagram where USER_ID ="+QaUtil.user_id +"AND...
今天写接口自动化测试,在运行结果中提示Unknown column ‘xxx’ in ‘where clause’的问题。 经过大神的指导,顿时明白其中缘由,如果sql中定义的类型是int型的可以不用加引号,但是如果是字符串类型的,必须加引号。 例如: String sql = "select ID from vc_diagram where USER_ID = "+QaUtil.user_id +" AND...
代码:DELETE mytable WHERE first_column=’Deltet Me’ DELETE 语句的完整句法如下: 代码:DELETE [FROM] {table_name|view_name} [WHERE clause] 在SQL SELECT 语句中可以使用的任何条件都可以在DELECT 语句的WHERE子句 中使用。例如,下面的这个DELETE语句只删除那些first_column字段的值为’goodbye’或second_colu...
WHERE OR operator Using theORlogical operator is another method of working with several conditions in the MySQLWHEREclause. If we submit this query, it will return data matching the criteria we set. The company wants to check the regular customers coming from two cities. For that, we’ll spec...
Temporal intervals can be used inCREATE EVENTstatements: If you specify an interval value that is too short (does not include all the interval parts that would be expected from theunitkeyword), MySQL assumes that you have left out the leftmost parts of the interval value. For example, if yo...
Re: CASE and IF in WHERE clause 7219 Peter Brawley May 20, 2009 11:57AM Re: CASE and IF in WHERE clause 4821 m z May 22, 2009 02:48PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders....
但凡写过sql语句的人估计都曾经碰到过类似于Unknown column ‘xxx’ in ‘where clause’的问题。 单从字面理解,我们很容易得出 列名不存在的结论,但是,很多时候起始并不是由于列名出错造成的。而是由于拼凑sql语句时对字符类型数据没有用引号引起来造成的。