select count( * ) from projects where editdate >= '2007-11-9 00:00:00' and editdate <= '2007-11-9 24:00:00'; 方法3, 每周的 select count(*) as cnt,week(editdate) as weekflg from projects where year(editdate) =2007 group by weekflg 每月 select count(*) as cnt,month(editda...
DATE(create_time) createTimeFROMrd_track_infoGROUPBYDATE(create_time)ORDERBYDATE(create_time)DESC;/*按周统计*/SELECTcount(id) countNum, WEEK(create_time) createTimeFROMrd_track_infoGROUPBYWEEK(create_time)ORDERBYWEEK(create_time)DESC;/*按月统计*/SELECTcount(id) countNum,MONTH(create_time) cr...
CREATETABLEMonthlyData(idINTAUTO_INCREMENTPRIMARYKEY,yearYEARNOTNULL,monthTINYINTNOTNULLCHECK(month>=1ANDmonth<=12)); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在这一表中,我们为每条记录设置了一个自动递增的id,并确保month字段的值仅在1到12之间。 2. 插入数据 插入数据时,我们可以如下所示: INSERTINTOMonthlyData(year,m...
group by concat(date_format(savetime, '%Y '),FLOOR((date_format(savetime, '%m ')+2)/3)) ---或 select YEAR(savetime)*10+((MONTH(savetime)-1) DIV 3) +1,count(*) from yourTable group by YEAR(savetime)*10+((MONTH(savetime)-1) DIV 3) +1; 五、分组查询 1、年度分组 2、月...
-- step2 在1的基础上,按照月份进行group by 分组,统计每个月份的支付总额 SELECT MONTH( pay_time ), sum( pay_amount ) FROM user_trade WHERE YEAR ( pay_time ) = 2019 GROUP BY MONTH ( pay_time ); -- step3 在2的基础上应用窗口函数实现需求 ...
GROUP BY year, month with rollup but I have an error #1111 - Invalid use of group function The second query is ok but the amount of charge is incorrect (sum(co.spese/co.num_articoli) as charge) because if want the correct amount of charge I must divide the number of co.spese for ...
GROUP BY month; 案例分析题 案例一:电商平台订单管理 假设你是一家电商平台的数据分析师,现在需要对订单数据进行分析。具体要求如下: 查询每个用户最近一次购买时间以及购买总金额。 SELECT user_id, MAX(order_time) AS latest_order_time, SUM(order_amount) AS total_order_amount ...
avg(a.pay_amount)over (order by a.month rows between2 preceding and current row) from (select month(pay_time),sum(pay_amount) from user_table where year(pay_time)=2019 group by month(pay_time)) a 最大/小值:max()/min()...over() ...
()); 本月统计: select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and year(my_time2) = year(curdate()) 本周统计: select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and week(my_time2) = week(curdate()) N天内记录: WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(...
Notice how this is treating 07:07 as 'yesterday'. So, use that LEFT(...) in your GROUP BY. This is a "straight forward" way to do intervals of 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour (and a few others). However it will not work easily for an interval of 1 week, or 1 quarter or...