...DATETIME 来设置: 预告 在探讨了 DATE、TIME 和 DATETIME 类型之后,下一部分将介绍剩余的两种时间类型:TIMESTAMP 和 YEAR。 3.6K10 常用sql查询语句记录 1、sql按月统计每月订单数量要按月统计每月的订单数量,您可以使用MySQL中的日期函数和聚合函数。...FROM orders GROUP BY order_month ORDER BY order_...
select count(*) as cnt,week(editdate) as weekflg from projects where year(editdate) =2007 group by weekflg 每月 select count(*) as cnt,month(editdate) as monthflg from projects where year (editdate)=2007 group by monthflg 每天 select count(*) as cnt from projects group by date(edit...
DATE(create_time) createTimeFROMrd_track_infoGROUPBYDATE(create_time)ORDERBYDATE(create_time)DESC;/*按周统计*/SELECTcount(id) countNum, WEEK(create_time) createTimeFROMrd_track_infoGROUPBYWEEK(create_time)ORDERBYWEEK(create_time)DESC;/*按月统计*/SELECTcount(id) countNum,MONTH(create_time) cr...
我们可以使用CONCAT函数将年份和月份拼接成一个字符串,并将其作为分组字段。 SELECTCONCAT(YEAR(order_date),'-',LPAD(MONTH(order_date),2,'0'))ASmonth,SUM(amount)AStotal_amountFROMordersGROUPBYCONCAT(YEAR(order_date),'-',LPAD(MONTH(order_date),2,'0'))ORDERBYYEAR(order_date),MONTH(order_date...
group by YEAR(savetime)*10+((MONTH(savetime)-1) DIV 3) +1; 五、分组查询 1、年度分组 2、月度分组 3、先按年度分组,再按月度分组 4、按年月分组 SELECT count(ArticleId), date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( `BlogCreateTime`),'%y%m') sdate FROM `blog_article` group by sdate ...
YEAR(insertcitme),'-',MONTH(insertcitme)-1,'-25 ','8:00:00')ANDinsertcitme<=CONCAT(YEAR(...
SELECT YEAR(sale_date) AS year, MONTH(sale_date) AS month, SUM(amount) AS total_amount FROM sales WHERE sale_date IS NOT NULL AND sale_date != '' GROUP BY YEAR(sale_date), MONTH(sale_date) ORDER BY year, month; 问题3:性能问题 原因:数据量过大,导致查询速度慢。 解决方法: 索引优化...
Notice how this is treating 07:07 as 'yesterday'. So, use that LEFT(...) in your GROUP BY. This is a "straight forward" way to do intervals of 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour (and a few others). However it will not work easily for an interval of 1 week, or 1 quarter or...
avg(a.pay_amount)over (order by a.month rows between2 preceding and current row) from (select month(pay_time),sum(pay_amount) from user_table where year(pay_time)=2019 group by month(pay_time)) a 最大/小值:max()/min()...over() ...
All of these solutions are discussed more thoroughly elsewhere, including a number of excellent, popular, and hence easily googled, articles on Hierarchical data and MySQL. Subject Written By Posted Grouping by hour, day, weekday, week, month and year ...