first and last update. I had the ‘updated’ time-stamp of the record and the ‘ip_address’ in the original table and I wanted a result list, one row per ‘word’, the count of records for that word, first and last update and the ip_address for the first and last update. The ...
调用数据集组件的First、Next、Prior、Last方法; 数据集组件的EOF属性(或BOF属性)用来判断记录指针是否指向第一条记录(或最后一条记录); 使用数据集的书签BookMark(GetBookMark:获得当前记录的BookMark记号;GotoBookMark:从当前记录直接转到指定 BookMark的那条记录;FreeBookMark:释放某个BookMark) 使...
and never delete from the table, and I never update the table, so there is NEVER a free block in the middle of the table, the last record really is the last record, so the first/last function would work for me, but I do have a date I can use so the work around is applicable,...
if one transaction is inserting values into the table, any other transactions must wait to do their own inserts into that table, so that rows inserted by the first transaction receive consecutive primary key values.
We want a query to get either first or last record in each user_id group. i.e. ( first or last records with user_id = 1, 2 ). Here are possible solutions, their “Explain” statements and performance matrix (every query executed 3 times to check timing) to check which...
append_str_and_len() : anonymous_namespace{}::Wrapper_sort_keyappend_sufix() : Gcs_default_debuggerappend_to() : Commit_stage_managerappend_to_header() : Gcs_message_dataappend_to_index() : lob::bulk::first_page_t
set_last_rowno_in_peerset() : Window set_last_rowno_in_range_frame() : Window set_last_sj_inner() : QEP_shared, QEP_shared_owner set_last_trx_id() : lob::bulk::first_page_t, lob::first_page_t, lob::z_first_page_t set_last_trx_id_no_redo() : lob::first_page_t, lob...
lock_rec_get_first 获取当前记录上的第一个显示锁请求的锁 lock_rec_get_nth_bit Gets the nth bitofa record lock.lock_get_mode 获取一个锁的 lock_mode lock_mode_compatible 判断两个lock_mode是否兼容 lock_mode_stronger_or_eq 判断lock_mode1是否比 lock_mode2更强 ...
Need help here. In mysql level, im looking for a way to get the last executed SQL query/statement and record the executed query into a log file. I was able to get the last executed query by using "SHOW PROFILES". SET @@profiling = 1; ...