print(tablename) '''清理老数据''' sql="delete from " + tablename + " where security = '" + security + "' and kday >='" + startday + "' and kday <='" + endday + "'" print(sql) mdbconn = mysql.connector.connect(user='jqdata', password='jqdata', database='jqdata', us...
Hi, Im trying to get data from a table and avoid getting some columns of the table by a wildcard. A simple example: - table name: tb_table - columns: id_table, sname, fk_table2 I would like to get only id_table and sname fields (columns), but without specifing them. And I ne...
mysql>create tabletab1(->id int auto_increment primary key,->namevarchar(30)->);mysql>insert into tab1values(NULL,'zhangsan');#插入一条数据,这时id没有指定, 则自动生成,id为1mysql>insert into tab1values(NULL,'lisi');# 插入一条数据,这时id没有指定, 则自动生成,id为2mysql>select*from ta...
mysql> show columns from mysql.user; mysql> show fields from mysql.user; mysql> show columns from mysql.user like '%user'; 会一种常用的就行 查看创建表执行了哪些命令: mysql> show create table student \G *** 1. row *** Table: student Create Table: CREATE TABLE `student` ( `id` in...
fromflaskimportFlask,jsonifyimportmysql.connector app=Flask(__name__)@app.route('/new-orders',methods=['GET'])defget_new_orders():connection=mysql.connector.connect(user='user',password='password',host='localhost',database='test_db')cursor=connection.cursor(dictionary=True)cursor.execute("SELEC...
SQL create table -- 目标: 创建一个 school 数据库 -- 创建学生表(列,字段) 使用 SQL 创建 -- 学号 int 登入密码 varchar(20) 姓名 ,性别varchar(2),出生日期(datatime),家庭住址,email -- 字表名称和字段 尽量使用 `` 飘 括起来 (字符串用 单引号!!! 会变红色就对) -- AUTO INCREMENT 自增 ...
cmd.CommandText=string.Format("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='"+ dataName +"' and table_name like '%{0}%'",input); }using(MySqlDataReader reader =cmd.ExecuteReader()) {while(reader.Read()) {stringtable = reader.GetString("table_name"); ...
select * from users where id=1 and 1=(select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' and table_name regexp '^us[a-z]' limit 0,1); 我们要查询表的名字,因为没有回显所以使用正则表达式来判断,如果成功会返回1,失败会返回空 ...
create database school; // 创建数据库 drop database school; // 删除某个数据库 2. 表操作 -- 创建表 create table user(字段1,字段2,...,字段n); -- 查看创建表的SQL语句 show create table user; -- 查看表的结构 desc user; -- 删除表 ...
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