DELIMITER//CREATEFUNCTIONcalculate_average()RETURNSFLOATBEGINDECLAREtotal_scoreINTDEFAULT0;DECLAREstudent_countINTDEFAULT0;DECLAREaverageFLOAT;-- 计算总分和人数SELECTSUM(score),COUNT(*)INTOtotal_score,student_countFROMscores;-- 计算平均分数SETaverage=total_score/student_count;RETURNaverage;END//DELIMITER; 1...
若在创建存储函数中报错“you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable”,有两种处理方法: 方式1:加上必要的函数特性“[NOT] DETERMINISTIC”和“{CONTAINS SQL | NO SQL | READS SQL DATA | MODIFIES SQL DATA}” 方式2: mysql>SETGLOBALlog_bin_trust_function_creators=...
SELECT * FROM information_schema.Routines; where ROUTINE_SCHEMA='XXX'; 查看xxx数据库的过程。 where ROUTINE_NAME='XXX'; 查看名称未xxx的过程。 where ROUTINE_TYPE='PROCEDURE';(FUNCTION) 查看过程或函数。 where DEFINER='XXX@YYYY' 查看xxx用户创建的过程。 二、过程实例 过程实例 drop procedure if exi...
(另外,如果在master上创建函数想通过主从复制的方式将函数复制到slaver上则也需要开启slaver 的log_bin_trust_function_creators) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mysql> show variableslike'log_bin_trust_function_creators'; +---+---+ | Variable_name | Value | +---+---+ | log_bin_trust_function_creators...
用户变量(User-Defined Variable),由用户自定义的变量,在连接会话期间有效,可以用于在不同 SQL 语句之间传递数据。 局部变量(Local Variable),在存储过程或者函数中定义的变量,通常用于存储中间结果。局部变量的作用域为存储过程/函数内或者某个语句块之内。
存储函数(FUNCTION) 用于完成一次特定的计算,具有一个返回值 MySQL从5.0版本开始支持存储过程和函数。存储过程和函数能够将复杂的SQL逻辑封装在一起,应用程序无须关注存储过程和函数内部复杂的SQL逻辑,而只需要简单地调用存储过程和函数即可。 含义:存储过程的英文是 Stored Procedure 。它的思想很简单,就是一组经过预先...
into variable gives different results to direct SELECT - test case. @ sql/ Fix forbug#42009: SELECT into variable gives different results to direct SELECT - Item_func_set_user_var::save_item_result() added to evaluate and store an item's result into a user variable. @ sql...
CREATE TABLE test_json(js json);INSERT INTO test_json (js)VALUES ('{"name":"songhk", "age":18, "address":{"province":"beijing", "city":"beijing"}}');SELECT js -> '$.name' AS NAME,js -> '$.age' AS age ,js -> '$.address.province' AS province, js -> '$
Here we go again, getting an error, saying that i_MAX is an undeclared variable off the following code. I want to get the ID passed into a variable to do some processing with, before using it again in another query. Is there a better way, or even just a way to get this working?