错误号:1564; 符号: ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED; SQLSTATE:HY000消息:不允许使用此分区功能 错误号:1565; 符号: ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR; SQLSTATE: HY000消息:DDL日志中的错误ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR 在8.0.1之后被删除。 错误号:1566; 符号: ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN; SQLSTATE:HY000消息:不允许使用...
首先,我们需要使用CREATE FUNCTION语句来创建一个名为sm4_encrypt的函数。该函数将接受两个参数:待加密的数据和密钥。函数将返回加密后的数据。下面是创建函数的代码: CREATEFUNCTIONsm4_encrypt(dataVARCHAR(255),keyVARCHAR(255))RETURNSVARCHAR(255) 1. 2. 以上代码创建了一个名为sm4_encrypt的函数,它接受两个参数...
Ex: ENCRYPT, SUBSTRING_INDEX How to repeat: mysql> CREATE TABLE `t` (`a` VARCHAR(8)); mysql> INSERT INTO `t` VALUES("aaa"); mysql> CREATE VIEW `v` AS SELECT ENCRYPT(`a`) FROM `t`; mysql> SELECT * FROM `v`; ERROR 1304 (42000): FUNCTION test.ecrypt does not exist mysql>...
How does ENCRYPT work? The ENCRYPT function in MySQL uses the Unix crypt() system call to perform the encryption. It takes two arguments: the string to be encrypted and an optional salt value. The salt value is a two-character string that is used to add randomness to the encryption proces...
DES_ENCRYPT(str,[{key_num | key_str}]); Arguments: MySQL Version: 8.0 Example: MySQL des_encrypt() function Code: SELECTDES_ENCRYPT('mytext',5),DES_ENCRYPT('mytext','mypassward'); Copy Explanation: The above MySQL statement encrypts the string mytext with key number 5; for the second...
错误号:1128; 符号: ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED; SQLSTATE: HY000 消息:未定义功能'%s' 错误号:1129; 符号: ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED; SQLSTATE: HY000 消息:由于许多连接错误,主机'%s'被阻止;用'mysqladmin flush-hosts'解锁 错误号:1130; 符号: ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED; SQLSTATE: HY000 ...
If you pass this function akey_strargument, that string is used as the key for decrypting the message. If thecrypt_strargument does not appear to be an encrypted string, MySQL returns the givencrypt_str. Note TheDES_ENCRYPT()andDES_DECRYPT()functions are deprecated in MySQL 5.7, are remove...
AES_ENCRYPT函数返回的值是二进制字符串,如果参数为NULL,则返回NULL。 AES_ENCRYPT函数接受两个参数,它们是加密的字符串和用于加密该字符串的 key 字符串。 用法: AES_ENCRYPT(str, key_str) 使用的参数: str -用于指定纯字符串。 key_str -它用于指定用于加密str的String。
"changedRows" differs from "affectedRows" in that it does not count updated rows whose values were not changed. connection.query('UPDATE posts SET ...', function (error, results, fields) { if (error) throw error; console.log('changed ' + results.changedRows + ' rows'); }) Getting ...
Table 3.1 Loadable Function Reference NameIntroducedDeprecated5. asymmetric_decrypt() 5.7.9, 8.0.11 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes asymmetric_derive() 5.7.9, 8.0.11 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes asymmetric_encrypt() 5.7.9, 8.0.11 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...