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Customer Download from My Oracle Support (MOS) » Trial Download from Oracle edelivery » Developer Download from Oracle OTN » MySQL NDB Cluster CGE MySQL NDB Cluster is a real-time open source transactional database designed for fast, always-on access to data under high throughput conditio...
Blog: How to import data from Amazon Redshift to HeatWave Database Service HeatWave on AWS Demo Video: HeatWave on AWS White Paper: HeatWave on AWS Blog: HeatWave for AWS Documentation: HeatWave on AWS Guide MySQL Kubernetes Operator Webinar: MySQL Operator for Kubernetes ...
for循环之后,又对一些特殊字符进行了处理,由于我们的语句“select @@version_comment limit 1”中有个特殊字符@,这个字符的state进行了特殊处理,为MY_LEX_USER_END。 代码中能快速匹配状态机,就是因为初始化好了一堆的状态机map,根据字符可以匹配不同的状态机。状态机的宏在mysql-8.0.20/include/sql_chars.h文...
NDB Operator MySQL Workbench, Shell, Router MySQL client tools and middleware MySQL Workbench MySQL Shell MySQL Shell for VS Code MySQL REST Service MySQL Router Connectors & APIs Database drivers and APIs Connector/J Connector/ODBC Connector/NET ...
1. inner join 内连接,用法如下,这种查询会把左右表都存在的数据查询出来,不存在数据忽略,结果图如下 select * from student s1 inner join score s2 on = 1. 连接查询中需要注意的点 什么是驱动表,什么是被驱动表,这两个概念在查询中有时容易让人搞混,有下面几种情况,大家需要了解。
以下是一个使用 LOOP 和CURSOR 模拟FOR 循环的存储过程示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE simulate_for_loop(IN start INT, IN end INT) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT start; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; -- 创建一个游标 DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT i FROM (SELECT @rownum:...
which can then be used by the assigned name in the DSN. Public keys are used to transmit encrypted data, e.g. for authentication. If the server's public key is known, it should be set manually to avoid expensive and potentially insecure transmissions of the public key from the server to...
1背景 基于安全的背景下,客户对 MySQL 的用户安全上提出了一系列需求,希望能对 MySQL 进行安全加固,具体的需求如下。 用户密码类 密码需要至少 25 个字符 密码必须包含至少 2 个大写字母 密码必须包含至少 2 个小写字母 密码必须包含至少 2 个数字 密码必须包含至少 2 个特殊字符 ...