MongoDB Enterprise Advanced: $15,480/VirtualServer/year Sybase Pricing: Perpetual License pricing is PerCore: Production Support and Maintenance is 20% of License Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition: $44,270/core IBM Informix Pricing: Perpetual License pricing is “Per PVU”: Production Support and Maint...
MongoDB Enterprise Advanced: $15,480/VirtualServer/year Sybase Pricing: Perpetual License pricing is PerCore: Production Support and Maintenance is 20% of License Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition: $44,270/core IBM Informix Pricing: Perpetual License pricing is “Per PVU”: Production Support and ...
MySQL isopen source, which means anyone can download MySQL software from the internet and use it without cost. Organizations can also change its source code to suit their needs. MySQL software uses theGNU General Public License(GPL), which is a common set of rules for defining what may or ...
Enterprise-grade security, compliance, and privacy to help protect sensitive data at rest and in motion. Monitoring and automation to simplify management for large-scale deployments. Multiple ways to get support. These capabilities require no extra cost and almost no administration. They allow you to...
The following files in strings contained incorrect license information: mb_wc.h (Bug #36506181) In certain unusual cases, the UpdateXML() function did not process all of its arguments correctly. (Bug #...
购买Azure Database for MySQL 预留容量后,预留折扣会自动应用到与预留属性和数量匹配的 MySQL 服务器。 预留仅涵盖 Azure Database for MySQL 的计算费用。 按标准费率收取存储和网络费用。如何应用预留折扣预留折扣的性质是“不用就会失效”。 因此,如果你在任何小时内没有匹配资源,那么你将丢失该小时的预留数量。
(GNU General Public License),, to define what you may and may not do with the software in different situations. If you feel uncomfortable with the GPL or need to embed MySQL code into a commercial application, you can buy a commercially licensed version from ...
然而,有些部分备份实际上并没有减少服务器的开销。例如,Percona XtraBackup 和 MySQL Enterprise Backup 仍然会扫描服务器上的每个数据块,因此它们并没有节省很多开销,尽管它们确实节省了一些挂钟时间、大量用于压缩的 CPU 时间,当然还有磁盘空间。⁶ 你可以使用高级备份技术变得相当复杂,但是你的解决方案越复杂,风险...
Azure Database for MySQL の予約容量を購入すると、予約の属性や数量に合致する MySQL サーバーに対して予約割引が自動的に適用されます。 予約購入分は、ご利用の Azure Database for MySQL の計算コストにのみ充当されます。 ストレージおよびネットワークについては、通常料金が適用...
If you have any questions about the features included in your edition of MySQL 5.7, refer to your MySQL 5.7 license agreement or contact your Oracle sales representative. For notes detailing the changes in each release, see the MySQL 5.7 Release Notes. For legal information, including ...