从配置的分页拦截器位置开始,一步步调试。 net.sf.jsqlparser.parser. ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "current" 当看到这个信息时,瞬间炸裂,一下子就知道错哪里了,current有现在的;电流的意思,当年也是虐过四六级的人。。这跟英语好不好没啥关系,而是跟编码基础与习惯、细心程度密切相关。这种细节错...
Version:OS:Any Assigned to:MySQL Verification TeamCPU Architecture:Any Tags:mysql shell View Add Comment Files Developer Edit Submission View Progress Log Contributions [23 Sep 14:41] Yunus UYANIK Description:I encountered an unexpected token error while using the mysqlsh utility to check for server...
et.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "AGAINST" <S_IDENTIFIER> at line 88, column 37. Was expecting one of: "&" "&&" "." "::" ";" "<<" ">>" "AND" "COLLATE" "CONNECT" "EXCEPT" "FOR" "GROUP" "HAVING" "INTERSECT" "MINUS" "ORDER" "START" "U...
... 152 common frames omitted Caused by: net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "(" "(" at line 1, column 11. Was expecting one of: "&" "," "::" ";" "<<" ">>" "ACTION" "ANY" "AS" "BYTE" "CASCADE" "CAST" "CHAR" "COLUMN" "COLUMNS" "COM...
今天在安装nodejs时出现了the install has encountered an unexpected errer installing this package.this may indicate aproblem with this package.the error code is 25... webpack 打包json文件,报 Unexpected token, expected ";"错误解决方案 用webapck打包项目时,由于项目使用了json文件,打包完成后,报出了一...
2HTTP500: SERVER ERROR - The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. 400 Error - Antiforgery token validation failed. The required antiforgery cookie ".AspNetCore.Antiforgery.LITvmbXWNe0" is not present 403 Forbidden Access is denied - Client Cert...
进 1272 java吧 zyhtjf 老哥们求助:exception: net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseExceptio老哥们 mysql中 varchar类型中文排序 mybatis-plus 3.4.1 order by CONVERT(zg.cn_name USING gbk) 运行时警告 exception: net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "(" "(" at line 8, ...
Failing SQL Feature: Trying to parse an ALTER TABLE statement for MySQL fails when the column definition contains the CHARACTER SET keywords. Encountering the following error ParseException: Encountered unexpected token: "SET" "SET" at l...
"Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution." "KILL command cannot be used inside user transaction" "No Transaction Is Active " Error running SQL Server 2008R2 Stored Procedures with Transactions that call back across Network "Repair statement ...
作者建议 if(a.status=2||a.status=4,1,0) as expired, 修改为if(a.status=2 or a.status=4,1,0) as expired, 高版本已经兼容; Encountered unexpected token: "if" "IF" "=" · Issue #1648 · JSQLParser/JSqlParser (github.com)最后...