Error: Couldn't read status information for table engine_cost () mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `engine_cost`': Table 'mysql.engine_cost' doesn't exist (1146) 2、查相关信息 2.1、查mysql_system_tables.sql --查mysql_system_tables.sql所在目录. [root@hisdb1 ~]# find / ...
Error Code: 1932. Table 'mydb.mytable' doesn't exist in engine I cant think why this would suddenly start happening. The ibd file is 2.4GB but I guess that makes no difference. The table is stored in INNODB format. All I need to do is get the data, even if its in a text file...
这样也就解释了为什么show tables能够看到但是select却报错Table doesn't exist ,而从原理上讲show tables只是查看了frm文件。 另外这里也提一个案列,曾经有一个朋友问我他将整个库目录都拷贝了,但是表能看到但是一操作就报Table doesn't exist,显然他没有拷贝ibdata1,数据字典的引导信息都存在这里面文件的第7个p...
#define ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND 1029 "View '%-.64s' doesn't exist for '%-.64s'", #define ER_GET_ERRNO 1030 "Got error %d from storage engine", #define ER_ILLEGAL_HA 1031 "Table storage engine for '%-.64s' doesn't have this option", #define ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND 1032 "Can't find ...
[ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to do I/O to a tablespace which does not exist. I/O type: read, ...
1 row in set (0.00 sec) pager less 那么执行show engine innodb status 以后直接less 查看结果 pager vim - 然后执行show engine innodb status 就可以直接进入到vim 里面编辑执行结果 关闭pager 就是执行 nopager 或者 \n 就可以 \P 又重新恢复上一个pager 的设置 ...
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 What’s New in MySQL Monitoring with Oracle Enterprise Manager Plugin Thursday, April 03, 2025 Transforming Government Operations with Open-Source Innovation: Unlock the Power of MySQL Enterprise On-Demand More »
十.[Err] 1146 - Table 'performance_schema.session_status' doesn't exist 解决方案::把用户之前安装的数据库的所有数据清空后在重装后在数据库工具Navicat for MySQL在另行打开运行就没问题;(不建议用这种方法,因为用于有些数据库数据信息需要保留,除非用户原本的数据全部不需要了) ...
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.slow_log' doesn't exist mysql.slow_log表还是必须的,没有这个表slow log 也不能输出到FILE。该表,是当开启参数log_output设置为table的时候,slow.log会记录到这个表里面,但是由于记录该表会对性能有影响,所以一般都是记录到FILE里面,然后再用脚本来处理。现在报错那就临时...
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.test1bak' doesn't exist 首先总结下原因: 缺少frm文件 innodb数据字典不包含这个表 我们重点讨论情况2,因为情况1是显而易见的。 在使用innodb存储引擎的时候某些时候我们show tables能够看到这个表,但是如果进行任何操作会报错如下: ...