-- 会发现并无表别名的使用 MySql 8.0版本单表delete语法如下: delete[low_priority][quick][ignore]fromtbl_name[[as]tbl_alias][partition (partition_name [, partition_name]...)][where where_condition][order by ...][limit row_count] MySql 5.7 和 8.0 多表删除格式: delete[low_priority][quick...
某天,正按照业务的要求删除不需要的数据,在执行 DELETE 语句时,竟然出现了报错(MySQL 数据库版本 5.7.34): mysql> delete from test1 t1 where not exists (select 1 from test2 t2 where t1.id=t2.id); ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds ...
delete from 表名 where...,可以删除表中的全部数据,也可以删除部分数据。 2、delete from 记录是一条条删的,所删除的没行记录都会进日志,而truncate一次性删掉整个页,因此日志里面只记录页释放。 3、truncate删除后,不能回滚。delete可以回滚。 4、truncate的执行速度比delete快。 5、delete执行后,删除的数据占用...
DELETEFROMusersWHERENOTEXISTS(SELECT1FROMordersWHEREorders.user_id=users.id); 1. 2. 3. 4. 代码解释: DELETE FROM users:指定我们要从users表中删除记录。 WHERE NOT EXISTS (...):这个条件判断如果在orders表中找不到与users表中对应的user_id,则满足删除条件。 SELECT 1 FROM orders WHERE orders.user...
下面是一个示例代码,使用NOT EXISTS删除满足条件的数据: DELETEFROMtable_nameWHERENOTEXISTS(SELECT1FROManother_tableWHEREtable_name.column=another_table.column); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 请注意,table_name是要删除数据的表名,another_table是用于检查条件的另一个表名。table_name.column和another_table.colum...
; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't1 where not exists (select * from test2 t2 where t1.testcol = t2.testcol)' at line 1 # try to delete without first ...
回答“mysql delete not exists” 明确“mysql delete not exists”语句的意图: 在MySQL中,使用DELETE ... WHERE NOT EXISTS语句的目的是删除那些在某些条件下不存在的记录。具体来说,就是删除主表(即要执行删除操作的表)中的记录,当且仅当这些记录在关联的子查询中不存在时。 给出正确的SQL DELETE语句,结合...
delete from A where ID in (1,2,3) and ID not in(select ID from B)或 delete from A where not exists (select ID from B where ID=A.ID) and ID in (1,2,3)
mysql> delete from clients where cid = (select clients.cid from clients left join branches using(cid) where bid is null); ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'clients' for update in FROM clause 解决办法 1、利用变量赋值。