在MySQL中,可以使用BETWEEN关键字来筛选出指定日期范围内的数据。语法如下: SELECT*FROMtable_nameWHEREdate_columnBETWEEN'start_date'AND'end_date'; 1. 2. 在上面的语句中,table_name是要查询的表名,date_column是日期列的名称,start_date和end_date是要查询的时间范围。 示例: SELECT*FROMordersWHEREorder_dat...
importdatetime# 构造查询语句end_date=datetime.date.today()start_date=end_date-datetime.timedelta(days=7)query=f"SELECT*FROM example_table PARTITION(p{start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')})\ WHERE date BETWEEN'{start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'AND'{end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'"# 执行查询...
使用WHERE子句和BETWEEN运算符来指定日期范围。例如,假设我们有一个名为"orders"的表,其中有一个名为"order_date"的日期字段,我们想要查找2022年1月1日至2022年12月31日之间的订单记录,可以使用以下查询语句: 代码语言:txt 复制 SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-12-31...
Date: June 12, 2010 09:03AM Thanks for your helpful and informative reply.. What I have come up with so far is select bookedid, datestart, dateend FROM crewwork where ('2010-06-12' between datestart and dateend) OR ('2010-06-17' between datestart and dateend); ...
有可能吗? 浏览9提问于2011-11-20得票数 0 2回答 Daterange按日期排序,按小时分组 、 我有一个msql表,每天每小时都有数据输入,所以每个日期被输入24次,然后是一个小时字段,如下所示…$sql = "SELECT * FROM report WHERE date BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end'"; 浏览0提问于2010-11-17得票数 0...
SQL 2: select count(*) from pt_pruning where log_date < '2020-02-01'; SQL 3: select count(*) from pt_pruning where log_date between '2020-01-01' and '2020-01-31'; SQL 1 和 SQL 2 执行时间为0.04秒,SQL 3 执行时间为0.06秒。 在没有使用索引的条件下效果还是比较理想的。
where pudate between 上月最后一天 and 下月第一天 where date(regdate) = curdate(); select * from test where year(regdate)=year(now()) and month(regdate)=month(now()) and day(regdate)=day(now()) SELECT date( c_instime ) ,curdate( ) ...
BETWEEN 数据比较 BETWEEN 还具有数据比较功能,语法如下: expr BETWEENminANDmax AI代码助手复制代码 当expr 表达式的值大于或等于 min 且小于或等于 max 时, BETWEEN 的返回值为 1 ,否则返回 0 。 利用这个功能,可以判断一个表达式或值否则在某个区间: ...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9935690/mysql-datetime-range-query-issueSELECT * FROM util_audit WHERE `DATED` BETWEEN "2012-03-15" AND &
range from a form (easy enough), and use that date range to test against date ranges within a table, and show the crewid of the ones within that date range (any point in the range). So basically the range from the form can at no point be inside the range form the table. However...