Step 1: Edit MySQL Config File You need to modify the MySQL configuration file to configure the remote MySQL server to listen for connections on an externalIP address. The name and location of the MySQL configuration file varies based on theLinux distributionand MySQL version. In Ubuntu/Debian,...
Follow the steps mentioned in my previous answer to modify the MySQL configuration file and allow remote connections. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions. I FIND /VAR/LIB/DPKG/ALTERNATIVES/MY.CNF , IS IT A MYSQL CONFIG FILE? No,/var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/my...
First, we need to edit the mysql config file to accept and bind remote connections to your server. We do this by editing yourmy.conffile located on most unix systems at/etc/my.confor/etc/mysql/my.conf. I’m going to hope and assume you know the basics to ssh into your remote serve...
MYSQL_SCRIPT="$MYSQL_OPTS -u root -P $MYSQL_PORT --database=$MYSQL_DATABASE"Open the socket and reset the permissions of the socket file:$MYSQL $MYSQL_OPTS -e "quit" &>$MYSQL_CONFIG/error.log 2>&1 || exit $? chmod 666 /path/to/socket/file &>$MYSQL_CONFIG/error.log 2>&1 |...
3. Connect to the remote MySQL server After configuring your MySQL server to allow remote connections, users from the specified IP address can set up a new connection from a remote machine. To do so, enter the following command in your terminal: ...
查看服务中有没有mysql,如果有将该服务停掉; 安装mysql 5.1.33,在运行Server Instance Configuration wizard时的Execute configurattion步骤中的第三项Start Service进出错,错误提示为Could not start the service MySQL (出现这种情况一般是因为装过mysql,卸载不干净造成的。卸载后重启后再重装。注意看下服务,如果未能...
# Default Homebrew MySQL server config[mysqld]# Only allow connections from localhostbind-address= 1 2 3 4 顾名思义,bind-addres的配置绑定了本地IP,所以远程无法连接。再看看 mysql 官方文档,bind-address的配置是这样描述的: If the address is, the server accepts TCP/IP connection...
This option can also be executed later (on remote connections) from the home screen by clicking the top right corner of a MySQL remote connection, as the following figure shows. Figure 5.23 Configure Remote ManagementExecuting this wizard is required to perform tasks requiring shell access to the...
allowReplicaDownConnections false 6.0.2 allowSourceDownConnections false 5.1.27 ha.enableJMX false 5.1.27 loadBalanceHostRemovalGracePeriod 15000 6.0.3 readFromSourceWhenNoReplicas false 6.0.2 selfDestructOnPingMaxOperations 0 5.1.6 selfDestructOnPingSecondsLifetime 0 5.1.6 ha.loadBalanceStrategy random...
allowAllFiles Type: bool Valid Values: true, false Default: false allowAllFiles=truedisables the file allowlist forLOAD DATA LOCAL INFILEand allowsallfiles.Might be insecure! allowCleartextPasswords Type: bool Valid Values: true, false Default: false ...