ConnectionTimeout,connection timeout:连接超时等待时间,默认15s DefaultCommandTimeout,command timeout:MySqlCommand 超时时间,默认 30s UserID, uid, username, user name, user:数据库登录帐号 Password,pwd: 登录密码 PersistSecurityInfo:是否保持敏感信息,默认 false Encrypt:已经用 SSL 替代了,默认 false Certific...
UseOldSyntax,old syntax, oldsyntax:是否兼容旧版的语法,默认 false ConnectionTimeout,connection timeout:连接超时等待时间,默认15s DefaultCommandTimeout,command timeout:MySqlCommand 超时时间,默认 30s UserID, uid, username, user name, user:数据库登录帐号 Password,pwd: 登录密码 PersistSecurityInfo:是否保持...
1. ImplementDefaultCommandTimeoutin the connection string Connection String Documentation 2. ImplementCommandTimeoutinMySqlCommand MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandTimeout = 60; MySqlCommand Documentation: Implementation Notes: MySQL Connector/Net 6.2 introduced timeouts that are aligned ...
UseOldSyntax,old syntax, oldsyntax:是否兼容旧版的语法,默认 false ConnectionTimeout,connection timeout:连接超时等待时间,默认15s DefaultCommandTimeout,command timeout:MySqlCommand 超时时间,默认 30s UserID, uid, username, user name, user:数据库登录帐号 Password,pwd: 登录密码 PersistSecurityInfo:是否保持...
using(varconnection=newMySqlConnection(connectionString)){connection.Open();using(varcommand=newMySqlCommand(sqlQuery,connection)){command.CommandTimeout=60;// 设置超时时间为60秒// 执行数据库命令}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...
command timeout can be changed using the connection string option Default Command Timeout." ( In fact, Default Command Timeout in the connection string has no effect. No matter what you specify, the timeout ...
Im running connector version 6.2.3 and when I try to set CommandTimeout to 0 it remains at the default of 30. I don't know if this is intended or not. Months ago, (with older versions of the connector) I used to set command timeout to 0 as part of the connection string and lon...
mysqlDa.SelectCommand.Connection=conn;//0表上永久,默认是30mysqlDa.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout =0; conn.Open(); MySqlTransaction tran=conn.BeginTransaction(); mysqlDa.SelectCommand.Transaction=tran; mysqlDa.Fill(ds,"sp_AllInsert"); tran.Commit();stringreturnStr =return_str.Value.ToString();...
MySqlConnectionStringBuilder() { Server = "", Port = 330, UserID = "root", Password = "yousef", Database = "abc", SslMode = MySqlSslMode.Disabled, ConvertZeroDateTime = true, AllowUserVariables = true, ConnectionTimeout = t, DefaultCommandTimeout = t }; return cons.ToString...
using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(connectionString)) { MySqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = sql; cmd.CommandTimeout = 10; MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); // con.Open(); ...