修改:添加字段: alter table 表add [column] 字段名 字段类型; 删除字段: alter table 表drop [column] 字段名;修改字段类型: alter table 表modify 字段名 新的字段类型;修改字段名称 : alter table 表change 旧字段名 新字段名 字段类型;修改表名称: alter table 表rename [to] 新表名;查询:...
mysql> create table t8(id int auto_increment,name varchar(20)); ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key mysql> create table t8(id int primary key auto_increment,name varchar(20)); Query OK, 0 rows affected ...
...]column:nameFOR ORDINALITY|nametypePATHstring path[on_empty][on_error]|nametypeEXISTS PATHstring path|NESTED[PATH]pathCOLUMNS(column_list)on_empty:{NULL|DEFAULTjson_string|ERROR}ON EMPTYon_error:{NULL|DEFAULTjson_string|ERROR}ON ERROR
1DECLARE var_name[,...] type [DEFAULT value] 其中: var_name 为变量名称,同 SQL 语句一样,变量名不区分大小写;type 为 MySQL 支持的任何数据类型;可以同时定义多个同类型的变量,用逗号隔开;变量初始值为 NULL,如果需要,可以使用 DEFAULT 子句提供默认值,值可以被指定为一个表达式。 对变量赋值采用 SET 语...
2.Column Character Set Conversion To convert a binary or nonbinary string column to use a particular character set, use ALTER TABLE. For successful conversion【kənˈvɜːrʒn转换;转化;转变;(宗教或信仰的)改变;皈依;(持球触地或持球越过对方球门线后的)附加得分;归附;(尤指为居住而)改建...
Rebuild the completion hash that enables database, table, and column name completion while you are entering statements. (See the description for the--auto-rehashoption.) resetconnection,\x Reset the connection to clear the session state. This includes clearing any current query attributes defined ...
The escaping rules for option file values are especially pertinent for Windows path names, which use\as a path name separator. A separator in a Windows path name must be written as\\if it is followed by an escape sequence character. It can be written as\\or\if it is not. Alternatively...
Column String 是 数据库列名示例值:user_email_address Privileges Array of String 是 权限信息示例值:["SELECT","INSERT"] CommonTimeWindow 通用时间窗 被如下接口引用:DescribeBackupConfig, ModifyBackupConfig。 名称类型必选描述 Monday String 否 周一的时间窗,格式如: 02:00-06:00示例值:02:00-06:00 ...
Hostnames are not resolved. All Host column values in the grant tables must be IP numbers or localhost. --skip-networking Don’t allow TCP/IP connections over the network. All connections to mysqld must be made via Unix sockets. This option is unsuitable for systems that use MIT-pthread...
If you can't trust an SQL identifier (database / table / column name) because it is provided by a user, you should escape it with mysql.escapeId(identifier), connection.escapeId(identifier) or pool.escapeId(identifier) like this: var sorter = 'date'; var sql = 'SELECT * FROM posts...