host,user,passwd,database):conn=mysql.connector.connect(host=host,user=user,passwd=passwd,database=database)self.connections.append(conn)defclose_all(self):forconninself.connections:conn.close()# 使用连接管理器manager=MySQLConnectionManager()manager.connect("localhost","username","password...
'user':'root','passwd':'password','db':'your_database_name'}# 连接数据库conn=MySQLdb.connect(**config)# 查询当前所有连接cursor=conn.cursor()cursor.execute("SELECT id, user, host FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE db = 'your_database_name'")connections=cursor.fetchall()# 断开连接f...
something is definitely wrong and this may fail. key_buffer_size=8384512 read_buffer_size=131072 max_used_connections=11 max_threads=151 threads_connected=11 It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 337720 K bytes ...
My question is If I have a db and I use the same name for several connections what will happen when I close one of the connections? All th econnections will be closed or one? if one, how it recognise that which connection is supposed to be close?
close() // the connection becomes idle in the client pool }) .then(() => { return client.getSession() }) .then(session => { console.log(session.inspect()) return client.close() // closes all connections and destroys the pool })...
('01234567891'); I have this message: Lost connection to MySQL server during query The mysql server restart and close all connections giving this log: /u01/app/mysql/bin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0x21)[0x84d4341] /u01/app/mysql/bin/mysqld(handle_segfault+0x381)[0x81fefa1] /lib/tls/...
方法/步骤 1 产生这个问题的原因有很多,总结下网上的分析:原因一. MySQL 服务宕了判断是否属于这个原因的方法很简单,进入mysql控制台,查看mysql的运行时长mysql> show global status like 'uptime';+---+---+| Variable_name | Value |+---+---+| Uptime | 3414707 |+---+---+1 row ...
When ClusterJ detects a disconnect with the NDB Cluster, it changes theStateof theSessionFactoryfromOPENtoRECONNECTING; theSessionFactorythen waits for the application to close all the sessions, and then attempts to reconnect the application to the NDB Cluster by closing all connections in the conne...
DBUG_ENTER("close_connections"); (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, before_server_shutdown, (NULL));//One-Thread-Per-Connection: kill 阻塞的 threadsPer_thread_connection_handler::kill_blocked_pthreads();uintdump_thread_count =0;uintdump_thread_kill_retries =8;//Close listeners. 关闭 socket list...
On Any Failure: Close All Connections (unchecked) Transaction Isolation Transaction Isolation: read-committed Isolation Level: Guaranteed (unchecked) My environment is: SJSAS 8.2 jdk 1.5.0_08 MySQL Connector J 3.1.13 MySQL 5.0.22-standard