一、获取MySQL版本号 version(); 二、查看当前MySQL服务器连接的次数,每个连接都有自己唯一的ID connection_id(); 三、查看当前用户的连接信息 processlist; Id:用户ID User:用户名。如果不是root就只显示用户权限范围内的SQL语句 Host:显示哪个IP的哪个端口连接的 db:使用的数据库 Command:显示当前用户连接的状态。
MySQL 的字符集支持有两个方面:字符集(Character set)和排序方式(Collation)。 对于字符集的支持细化到四个层次:服务器(Server), 数据库(Database), 数据表(Table), 连接(Connection)。 默认情况下,MySQL 的字符集是 latin1(ISO_8859_1),为了防止出现数据乱码现象,MySQL 字符集应与平台保持一致,字符集(Characte...
SQL Statements for Connection Character Set Configuration After a connection has been established, clients can change the character set and collation system variables for the current session. These variables can be changed individually usingSETstatements, but two more convenient statements affect the connec...
| collation_connection | utf8mb4_unicode_ci | | collation_database | utf8mb4_unicode_ci | | collation_server | utf8mb4_unicode_ci | +---+---+修改校对规则修改数据库配置后,不会对已经存在的表造成影响,如要生效需要修改特定列的排序规则。优先级:列>表>数据库>服务器。对已存在的表修改# ...
mysql 8.0设置collation_connection https://www.cnblogs.com/hdwang/p/16739147.html 喜欢请赞赏一下啦^_^ 微信赞赏 支付宝赞赏 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 0 0 上一篇:mysql死锁检查 下一篇:journalctl 清理journal日志 posted @2023-06-22 11:03雪竹子阅读(283) 评论(0)编辑收藏举报...
init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci' init_connect='SET NAMES utf8' character-set-server=utf8 collation-server=utf8_unicode_ci skip-character-set-client-handshake I am connecting from a fedora host where the my.cnf is ...
Description:In stock mysql 4.1.9, the following 2 queries executed on one connection result in a "#2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query" error. SET collation_connection='ucs2_swedish_ci'; CREATE TABLE TestTable( Field1 int( 10 ) default '0' ); If the table type is My...
查询表中的数据时,值是否返回受字段上的collation影响 步骤: 代码语言:txt 复制 alter table test_db.a change i i char(1) collate utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci ; -- 设置列上忽略⼤⼩写 insert into test_db.a values('a'),('A'); select * from test_db.a ; -- 存⼊的值含 "a" "A" ...
collation_connection: utf8_unicode_ci collation_database: utf8_unicode_ci collation_server: utf8_general_ci In plus, all tables and its columns were with collate option utf8_unicode_ci. I didn't and don't know how to change collation_server to utf8_unicode_ci, so I've decided just ...