1. 解释“truncated incorrect integer value”错误的含义 “truncated incorrect integer value”错误是MySQL在尝试将一个不合法的值插入到整数类型的列时抛出的错误。这通常发生在数据类型不匹配的情况下,比如尝试将一个非数字字符串(如空字符串或包含非数字字符的字符串)插入到整数列中。 2. 分析为何空字符串''会...
ERROR1064(42000): You have an errorinyour SQL syntax;checkthe manual that correspondstoyour MySQL server versionfortherightsyntaxtousenear'timestamp) as test'at line1--这个时间无法转换成datetimexxxx.test>selectcast('10:12:32'asdatetime)astest ;+---+|test|+---+|NULL|+---+1rowinset,1w...
the expected result (1) with the warning #1292 "Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '1,2,3'". -- mysql> SELECT CAST('1,2,3' AS SIGNED); -- +---+ -- | CAST('1,2,3' AS SIGNED) | -- +---+ -- | 1 | -- +---+ -- 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 ...
select * from user where index_filed=2; 因为等号两侧类型不一致,因此会发生隐式转换,cast(index_filed as signed),然后和2进行比较。因为'2',' 2','2a'都会转化成2,故MySQL无法使用索引只能进行全表扫描,造成了慢查询的产生。 第二种情况:索引字段是int类型 select * from user where index_filed='2'...
Truncated incorrect INTEGER value Language:Layout: x 1 droptableifexistsresource; 2 createtableresource (idint, grade_idint, descriptionvarchar(50)); 3 insertintoresource(id, grade_id, description)values 4 (1,1,'Foo Grade 12 Bar'),...
If the value has too many digits in the integer part, it is too large (out of range) and is handled as follows: If strict mode is not enabled, the value is truncated to the nearest legal value and a warning is generated. If strict mode is enabled, an overflow error occurs. ...
| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '999ABC111' | +---+---+---+ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 利用cast显式的转换字符串为date,datetime和time SELECT CAST('2008-09-17 15:30:00' AS DATETIME); +---+ | CAST('2008-09-...
Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '2018-05-16 23:59:59.900000' | +---+---+---+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) >>> In this case, the argument to DATE_SUB() is a valid DATE literal and is converted to DATE, hence the return value is a DATETIME value. If you understand it that...
| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '123456@163.com' | +---+---+---+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 解法二: 这个解法更简单,有种鬼斧神工的感觉。 mysql> select -(-'123456@163.com'); +---+ | -(-'123456@163.com') | +---+ ...
constant. For example, if a subquery returns an integer to be compared to a DATETIME value, the comparison is done as two integers. The integer is not converted to a temporal value. To compare the operands as DATETIME values, use CAST() to explicitly convert the subquery value to DATETIME...