可以重复调用mysql_fetch_field函数获得所有字段的信息。3 Mysql C API编程步骤1、首先我们要包含mysql的头文件,并链接mysql动态库。即添加以下语句:#include <WinSock2.h> // 进行网络编程需要winsock2.h#include <mysql.h>#pragma comment(lib, “libmysql.lib”)2、创建MYSQL变量。如:MYSQL mysql;3、初始...
在Mysql安装过程中,安装选项一定要选上Development Components下的Client C API library(shared),这样才会将Mysql API的头文件和动态库安装到电脑中。 安装完成后,我们编程要用的就是include目录下的头文件和lib目录下的库文件。https://www.weixiu3721.com Mysql API数据结构 Mysql API中用到了很多结构体等数据类型...
返回的数据称为“数据集”,用过数据库的朋友应该对数据库中查询后得到的结果集不会陌生,在C的API里对应的就是MYSQL_RES了,从数据库读取数据,最后就是从MYSQL_RES中读取数据。 typedef struct st_mysql_res { my_ulonglong row_count; unsigned int field_count, current_field; MYSQL_FIELD *fields; MYSQL_D...
这个结构代表返回行的一个查询的(SELECT,SHOW,DESCRIBE,EXPLAIN)的结果。返回的数据称为“数据集”,用过数据库的朋友应该对数据库中查询后得到的结果集不会陌生,在C的API里相应的就是MYSQL_RES了,从数据库读取数据,最后就是从MYSQL_RES中读取数据。 typedef struct st_mysql_res { my_ulonglong row_count; uns...
This is a C programming tutorial for the MySQL database. It covers the basics of MySQL programming with the C API. You may also consider to look at theMySQL tutorialon ZetCode. About MySQL database MySQL is a leading open source database management system. It is a multi user, multithreade...
MySQL C API programming tutorial This is a C programming tutorial for the MySQL database. It covers the basics of MySQL programming with the C API. You may also consider to look at the MySQL tutorial on ZetCode. About MySQL database MySQL is a leading open source database management system...
For instructions on building client programs using the C API, seeSection 3.2, “Building C API Client Programs”. For programming with threads, seeSection 3.4, “Writing C API Threaded Client Programs”. Note If, after an upgrade, you experience problems with compiled client programs, such asCo...
The source formysqlslapuses threads to set up simultaneous workloads, to test server operation under high load. As an alternative to thread programming, applications may find the asynchronous (nonblocking) C API functions useful. These functions enable applications to submit multiple outstanding requests...
For programming with threads, see Section 3.4, "Writing C API Threaded Client Programs". To create a standalone application which includes the "server" and "client" in the same program (and does not communicate with an external MySQL server), see libmysqld, the Embedded MySQL Server Library....
C API Function Descriptions In the following descriptions, a parameter or return value of NULL means NULL in the sense of the C programming language, not a MySQL NULL value. Functions that return a value generally return a pointer or an integer. Unless specified otherwise, functions returning a...